I've put myself in between the Kern Valley healthcare District and the local population for the last six years, hoping to force some change for the better. (Better meaning they have compassion for the patients. And better concerning how they handle money)
According to the KVHD strategic plan, the hospital has been getting good "marks" from it's customer base.
I would simply like to verify this as true fact for the community. If there is something that does not quite ring true with KVHD being a great gift to this local region, then now is the time to speak up.
Since KVHD wants your tax dollars to continue it's business operations, I would think we all need to make this decision based on something other than what certain vested persons with the district want us to believe.
Yes, they are coming again for a General Obligation bond to upgrade their building and services. Of course, there still is debt to contend with, but they managed to put that bill to pay with Cal Mtg. off until 2020. So, the future generations will again be saddled with this sort of debt resolution: why pay it off when you can put it off for others to deal with. LOL
Okay, let's hear from you fellow KRV community members. Are they doing as well as they tell me they are?