Persistance and Tenacity, requires a new chapter, a new beginning....

The KVHD Players

Here's your synopsis of the players in the saga of the Kern Valley Healthcare District as well as second victim, Sierra Kings District Hospital in Reedley CA

Current Board of directors:

Victoria Alwin- current chairwoman of the board
Kathryn Knight- first vice chair
Dr. Robert Gross-Treasurer
Bob Jamison- QAB media, Ott defender,
Bradley Armstrong- likes to travel (with hospital money)

Current Administration:
CEO Tim Mcglew- if only...
Controller Barbara Figeuroa- "That's right Chet"
Heidi Sage administrative secretarty- AKA "Hidey"
DON Edith "Bunker"- Oh, Archie
CFO Chet Beedle -The answer to everthing is "volume" ?
Sharon Brucker-CNO nursing center and now quality control (pix soon of quality complaint)

Players directly involved in current downfall including lawsuits, criminal charges, and default on debt

CEO- Pam Ott- credentials include ability to utilizie voters money, GOB, currently charged with elder abuse.
CNO- former nursing officer Sharon Brucker who was in charge of nursing center in 2006, quickly resigned when public health arrived.
CFO- Chet Beedle, on second GOB since 2006. Attacked employees who disagreed with GOB.
Bob Jamison- board member who may now be liable for the actions of former CEO, Pam Ott.
Brad Armstrong-turned away employees who were trying to blow the whistle on short staffing practices
Barbara Casas-former board member who voted with Armstrong and Jamison "the sticky three"
Cal Mtg- State agency insuring "revenue bonds" from 1986, only credit KVHD has as of now.
Mabel Chan-financial manager of KVHD account thru Cal Mtg. Oversite on financial state of hospital.
OSHPD- Office of Statewide Healthcare Planning and Development
BRIM- management company who hired Pam Ott and CFO Chet Beedle

all employees who disagree with management
"Dr. Hoshang Pormir" ??? new information forthcoming
Debbie Hayes, pharmacist who worked in nursing facility two days a month
Kay and Robert Knight (for suggesting the original revenue bonds were a bad idea and for challenging Cal Mtg. on a possible bankruptcy, which they haven't forgotten.)
fired employees
Cal Mtg. now being blamed by CFO for all the financial problems (it isn't all them)
Me- for digging up the truth and actually talking about it
Community not paying enough in taxes

Media who ignored problems and distorted information

Kern Valley Sun Newspaper- local but corporate paper enjoys KVHD advertising dollars and writes stories that should be posted as "advertisments."

Best Country, QAB Media- local radio station highly influenced by KVHD board member Bob Jamison who used the radio to defend Pam Ott regarding the nursing center. Also allowed to use station for his own political campaign and to attack other candidates as well as "reporters" sorry, "reporter" and even hospital employees.

Bakersfield news organizations rather cover people who have had problems' with their "Shrek" 3D glasses.

Media covering KVHD and Sierra Kings District

KVHD under Fire (the whole story)

The Reedley Exponent- covering Sierra Kings Hospital where Pam Ott went after she stepped down from KVHD. Sierra Kings is in bankruptcy and an audit by HFS, financial consultants, showed misuse of public funds by Ott from a GOB voted on in Reedley. The IRS supposedly found Ott using the pension fund as well.

The Fresno Bee has picked up the story

The attorneys:

Donald Etra former lawyer who worked with Ralph Nader
William Howard Ginsburg lawyer for Monica Lewinsky
Scott Nave KVHD board counsel
Steve Muni Attorney General's office, head of DOJ elder abuse case

The politicians
KVHD board members the sticky three quorum
Attorney General Jerry Brown now running for California Governor
Jean Fuller 32nd Assembly district
Kevin McCarthy congressman
Jon McQuiston Kern county board of supervisors

Oversight or actually blind
Department of Health Services
Public Health Department, Linda Wilkinson
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Jack Cheevers
Kern County Grand Jury- "John"
Board of Nursing- Ott claimed to be a nurse practitioner, only licensed as RN
Board of Pharmacy
State medical board

Conflict of interest

QAB media owners of CARE Ambulance and employer of KVHD board member Bob Jamison
Aspen Street architects and Rural Health Design network- David and Kathy Yarborough
Caldwell Flores and Winters, secretly retained in 2008 after the failed GOB in 2006
More, but I can't tell you yet

Gone but not forgotten
HR director Michelle Rosado who sent employees to the curb and shared personnel records
Sherry Depperman-new story on it's way
Carol Dene Gunther-temporary CNO replaced by Sherry Depperman who left the month the DOJ arrested three employees for elder abuse.
Rick Carter former CEO-paid for travel expenses for he and his wife. Even lunch was on KVHD
Robert Duncan former CEO-Formerly in Tehachapi, came to KVHD in 2007, gone three months later
Sycamore Asset Management- I have documents and bills for more than 2 million dollars KVHD paid sight unseen as they were ambulance chased when the hospital was threatened with closure in 2007.
Tracy Brown Nursing Home administrator came in through Sycamore Mgt. in 2008, left suddenly in 2009.

People of interest:
Tracy Miller dietician who signed as interim director of SNF regarding a DHS survey
Naomi King thrownn into nursing center (SNF) as director in 2007, then left on "stress leave."
RN's who worked in nursing center but left on stress leaves frantically in January 2007.
Oh, there's more, but one step on their feet at a time...