Cal Mtg. And the BOnd Indenture THAt Could Not BE Shrugged off This Atlas, AS in 1989, Cal Mtg. With the Office of HEalthcare planning and development, Brought about a HUGE debt problem to the Kern Vaalley healthcare District.
The Hospital, in Mt. Mesa, CAlifornia, took on a project to expand the small Public healthcare District and Hospital and soon would lose in the race for expansion.
Half full and mostly empty, Administrators of the tiny district hospital were thrown a Bag or "Sach" of Cash to the tune of 22 million.
How did this HappeN?
Some paperwork from 1986, shows with the Help of GOldman Sachs, a business plan, an estimate of projected revenues, made the Valley healthcare district, a viable candidate for money.
Why the KVHD hospital?
No one knows. LOL AS KVhd worth a mere One million including Chairs, paint and pictures on the wall.
Only the SHADOW Knows...
In the shadow was GOLd man Sachs and they are Not too interested in being Related to the failure of this project, but when we LOOK at current advertising we can See the SAch over the head of this costly endeavor which Continues to Plague the community as CAL MTG. mocks any Attempts at BAnkruptcy and GS, has it's advertising the social programs, the reasons For helping acquire monies. Quite the Fairy tale...
WEll, Gold man and SAchs, Please tAke a peek at the KVHD catastrophy which the loan became, the Driving force behind ill planned decisions, policy making. THE cause the Effect, and the INVISIBLE guiding hand which made it all possible.
MOre on Goldman SAchs the WEbsite.
HIGH RISK HOSPITAL: Healthcare and politics don't mix or when they do you get elder abuse, bullying, short staffing, misinformation, medical errors, discrimination, billing anomalies, and ALWAYS promises of's the notorious Kern Valley Healthcare District
Friday, August 31, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
The Walk is getting Wider as PAmela Ott has Been delivered on another Three year probation sentence in the Kern Valley Health care District Elder Abuse bargain with the Top Prosecutor's office In the State of California, the Office Of A-turn-key General "Kamala Harris" as her leadership has Shown to Be "Justice light" in regard to this case.
Dr. HOshang Pormir Walked away with the same Penalty in JUly and Ott followed suit, as her matching "throw in the" Towels, sentence is Short of "Three STrikes" or simply Tough Love. Pormir and OTT, both oversaw the skilled Nursing facility, Yet, remaining defendant GWEN HUGHES, will Go to Trial this fall, in October, the MOst LIKELy to see any Jail time.
I could not see the legal case file last week, as Kern County Superior Court felony department provided they were Left in court. Records in the Case are Expected to return to Public Scrutiny this week, But Ott, the former KVHD CEo, has Ridden out of DODGE city with minor Repercussions in the Case as the Three Year Probation is a bargain basement Sentence.
The CEO still must face Civil trials, but the Department of Justice, has wrapped up it's top Two Defendants in a Quicky of JUStice, tricky , as the maGician behind the curtain is Certainly the Kabala of Harris, THE AG, "Kamala" BUT no one is fooled by the strings that ties bind, as I think we all /do MIND.
We MInd that this Is NOT a Just Response.
NOt even close to Scales With a Balancing Act. Appears to the public another EYE shutter, as the players are not concerned and have not learned. LOL
These Are SCales profoundly WEIGHED down, to one side.
They Err and ERR and the Playing field is not Fair.
Only a Decade ago Three Years of Probation was saved for MINOR crimes, and the assertion here in the elder abuse case, is that this vulnerable demographic remains vulnerable.
A ball has been dropped in this game. It has lacked all good in it's Ill attempt to only assuage it's audience.
WHo has Control of this OFFICE, this AG, this DOJ, who cannot see that there has been an affront to all who are unwilling to turn tail and Run?
AGAIN, news is PAmela Ott, KVHD CEO, and Sierra KIngs CEO, Elder abuse Defendant, has received a THree year probation sentence in the KVHD elder abuse case, bargaining with prosecutors.
CAse is nOW in court of public opinion. LOL
Dr. HOshang Pormir Walked away with the same Penalty in JUly and Ott followed suit, as her matching "throw in the" Towels, sentence is Short of "Three STrikes" or simply Tough Love. Pormir and OTT, both oversaw the skilled Nursing facility, Yet, remaining defendant GWEN HUGHES, will Go to Trial this fall, in October, the MOst LIKELy to see any Jail time.
I could not see the legal case file last week, as Kern County Superior Court felony department provided they were Left in court. Records in the Case are Expected to return to Public Scrutiny this week, But Ott, the former KVHD CEo, has Ridden out of DODGE city with minor Repercussions in the Case as the Three Year Probation is a bargain basement Sentence.
The CEO still must face Civil trials, but the Department of Justice, has wrapped up it's top Two Defendants in a Quicky of JUStice, tricky , as the maGician behind the curtain is Certainly the Kabala of Harris, THE AG, "Kamala" BUT no one is fooled by the strings that ties bind, as I think we all /do MIND.
We MInd that this Is NOT a Just Response.
NOt even close to Scales With a Balancing Act. Appears to the public another EYE shutter, as the players are not concerned and have not learned. LOL
These Are SCales profoundly WEIGHED down, to one side.
They Err and ERR and the Playing field is not Fair.
Only a Decade ago Three Years of Probation was saved for MINOR crimes, and the assertion here in the elder abuse case, is that this vulnerable demographic remains vulnerable.
A ball has been dropped in this game. It has lacked all good in it's Ill attempt to only assuage it's audience.
WHo has Control of this OFFICE, this AG, this DOJ, who cannot see that there has been an affront to all who are unwilling to turn tail and Run?
AGAIN, news is PAmela Ott, KVHD CEO, and Sierra KIngs CEO, Elder abuse Defendant, has received a THree year probation sentence in the KVHD elder abuse case, bargaining with prosecutors.
CAse is nOW in court of public opinion. LOL
Saturday, August 25, 2012
OTt file UNAVAILABLE until Friday, AUg. 31
A quick run to the FELony Department of the kern County Superior Court Came up Clueless as To the Secrets of the Elder Abuse TRial and Plead out, As Pamela Ott, had her portion of CAse 126665 ACD, heard And Was Expected to Take a Plea Deal for Conspiracy as did her fellow Defendant, Dr. Hoshang Pormir, Took at a hearing last month.
Pormir, was Able to feel a step of no more Resistance, as he was SENTENCED to Three years probation For Pleading Guilty to one count of Conspiracy, rather than the list of EIGHT Elder Abuse CHARges, He origninally faced when he was arrested in 2009.
Ott, and Pormir, have the same Case number, but The Two office Workers, consulted behind a Filing Cabinet this past FRiday, agreeing that looking for the file would be lost time, as they expect it STAYed in Court For Ott's Continued Motion Due up Aug. 29th.
THE motion could NOT Be identified by the Felony office Worker, and she was not inclined to SEARch and find this FILE. It was Really a Lost source, as I could NOT get any notes other than the items listed on the court's Website. Nothing of explanation was on the site, and the Manual labor Required to find said file, was left unused.
So, our source of INFormatioN Required a Check and there was no Doubling the Trouble I would have caused, as I ASKEd if they would LOOK, but I Was Assured, there was NOTHING to look for, as the FILe for Dr. POrmir WAs also Not AVailable for copies, viewing, or Lie Detection.
As Pormir, had a conspiracy charge and it takes two to make a Conspiring mind, There has been suggested, by insiders, that Ott, would Plead to the same Charge and be Given Similar Sentencing, Probation, without Jail Time. Ott slipped in Without seeing at least a finger print on the wall, but the court ushered her in and Shushed her out, without JAil or jumpsuits or any sort of Serious Response.
Why is OTt so Lucky?
Why did I throw evidence at the those unwilling to see it as such? DOJ, Department of Justice, Attorney, Steven Muni, rejected and selected the Evidence which really does not do it justice. LOL
DOJ and FORmer AG, Jerry Brown, SEemed unwilling to have a CAse loaded with White collar Criminals.
As of Now, We have Director Of Nursing, Gwen Hughes, waiting her turn in court, but she may face a Severe penalty where Doc and CEO, Supposedly conspiring together to Cover their Drug use on the Skilled nursing facility residents, but Hughes has to face the firing Squad who will take anyone But the top dogs to the pound for euthanasia.
Next week Ott will likely plead out to a conspiracy Charge or some other MOTION of unknown actions will be instituted to delay a Trial Date starting the clock. This motion was NOT meant to be Known or the court would have put that IN it's RECORD the public can access. It will be something of a Question, but in the long run, Ott has skated on thin ice past most of the others involved in the ELDER abuse case.
KVHD Board members never SAW a moment of INcriminatIOn Except from me. I offer that they are a Group that had to have some FRIENDS, Documents, or Demented Principles, to escape such OBvious Conditions of Deceptive and retributive practices.
I will NOT accept the excuses of anyone as I SUPPORTED my contentions with Video, Audio, Documentation, Witnesses, and this sad affair Showed less than honest investigative practices as only certain Rocks were turned over for Examination.
Selective JUSTICE?
And that is Why it is JUST US now?
If it's transparent, then YOU can see thru it. Justice would have a quality such as that. But no, justice, was not a FACTOR, maybe a fact, but it never saw the Light of day in court in this case.
But it Still does not change the TRUTH of what happened.
You can send Pormir and Ott to the dungeons, but what is missing, is the Value of Hearing the Facts. We can't seem to determine, whether Ott or Pormir are victims or players. Ott had a Crime Angel on her Shoulder as her Deeds were somehow a dismissive hand gesture away. Not taken seriously, called rumor or simply ignored.
I was told that my interference was not appreciated. Okay?
Why would someone only beholding to truth, be so polarizing to the situation?
It's never a burden to carry truth, but it takes FAith to stay in for the long haul. The weakness is to forget it is the ONLY way. Other ways have been fabricated, or corrupted, but This is an immutable fact and it's acceptance can lead to healing, forgiveness or other more favorable outcomes.
Some day, I'll have the DOJ at my door claiming I Told too much truth, and it was now a Crime to continue to ask for Transparency. My Crime will be to only embrace truth and not be willing to have less. Lawyers will call it an antagonistic position, one of harassment, and thereby belittling those unable to have truth. Liars will now have medicines and doctors, therapy, a minority status, and truth will be out in the cold.
(AS the dish is best served. )
Let's try this again. Ott returns to court next wEd. Aug. 29th, and she will be sentenced or Plead to charges of conspiracy injurious to the public.
Pormir, was out in July, probation his sentence.
Hughes remains the final player, who has to face a potential trial, but with the first two taking deals, it would not be unlikely she would do the same if it were offered. But Hughes, I"m afraid, was a puppet and the masters have left on their probation.
Her limited employment time shows Hughes to be only a response to elder abuse conditions shown in an earlier survey of the department. She had less than six months at KVHD.
The Department of Health SErvices, were pointing fingers at the SNF for patient dehydration, short staffing, and PHYSICAL restraints. Hughes came on and the patients were now on drugs as a form of restraint. And one against her will, several nurses administering something to quiet her down.
Get it?
Complaints at KVHD from nursing home residents?
They are not welcome or accepted from outside the hallowed halls, I feel nothing but sad as this must have been a paranoia inducing experience to be shut down with a needle, five nurses, and a doctor's okaying of the prescription. As this woman was wrangled and deemed in need of some restraint....
I am sure they did not see it for themselves, though.
Pormir, was Able to feel a step of no more Resistance, as he was SENTENCED to Three years probation For Pleading Guilty to one count of Conspiracy, rather than the list of EIGHT Elder Abuse CHARges, He origninally faced when he was arrested in 2009.
Ott, and Pormir, have the same Case number, but The Two office Workers, consulted behind a Filing Cabinet this past FRiday, agreeing that looking for the file would be lost time, as they expect it STAYed in Court For Ott's Continued Motion Due up Aug. 29th.
THE motion could NOT Be identified by the Felony office Worker, and she was not inclined to SEARch and find this FILE. It was Really a Lost source, as I could NOT get any notes other than the items listed on the court's Website. Nothing of explanation was on the site, and the Manual labor Required to find said file, was left unused.
So, our source of INFormatioN Required a Check and there was no Doubling the Trouble I would have caused, as I ASKEd if they would LOOK, but I Was Assured, there was NOTHING to look for, as the FILe for Dr. POrmir WAs also Not AVailable for copies, viewing, or Lie Detection.
As Pormir, had a conspiracy charge and it takes two to make a Conspiring mind, There has been suggested, by insiders, that Ott, would Plead to the same Charge and be Given Similar Sentencing, Probation, without Jail Time. Ott slipped in Without seeing at least a finger print on the wall, but the court ushered her in and Shushed her out, without JAil or jumpsuits or any sort of Serious Response.
Why is OTt so Lucky?
Why did I throw evidence at the those unwilling to see it as such? DOJ, Department of Justice, Attorney, Steven Muni, rejected and selected the Evidence which really does not do it justice. LOL
DOJ and FORmer AG, Jerry Brown, SEemed unwilling to have a CAse loaded with White collar Criminals.
As of Now, We have Director Of Nursing, Gwen Hughes, waiting her turn in court, but she may face a Severe penalty where Doc and CEO, Supposedly conspiring together to Cover their Drug use on the Skilled nursing facility residents, but Hughes has to face the firing Squad who will take anyone But the top dogs to the pound for euthanasia.
Next week Ott will likely plead out to a conspiracy Charge or some other MOTION of unknown actions will be instituted to delay a Trial Date starting the clock. This motion was NOT meant to be Known or the court would have put that IN it's RECORD the public can access. It will be something of a Question, but in the long run, Ott has skated on thin ice past most of the others involved in the ELDER abuse case.
KVHD Board members never SAW a moment of INcriminatIOn Except from me. I offer that they are a Group that had to have some FRIENDS, Documents, or Demented Principles, to escape such OBvious Conditions of Deceptive and retributive practices.
I will NOT accept the excuses of anyone as I SUPPORTED my contentions with Video, Audio, Documentation, Witnesses, and this sad affair Showed less than honest investigative practices as only certain Rocks were turned over for Examination.
Selective JUSTICE?
And that is Why it is JUST US now?
If it's transparent, then YOU can see thru it. Justice would have a quality such as that. But no, justice, was not a FACTOR, maybe a fact, but it never saw the Light of day in court in this case.
But it Still does not change the TRUTH of what happened.
You can send Pormir and Ott to the dungeons, but what is missing, is the Value of Hearing the Facts. We can't seem to determine, whether Ott or Pormir are victims or players. Ott had a Crime Angel on her Shoulder as her Deeds were somehow a dismissive hand gesture away. Not taken seriously, called rumor or simply ignored.
I was told that my interference was not appreciated. Okay?
Why would someone only beholding to truth, be so polarizing to the situation?
It's never a burden to carry truth, but it takes FAith to stay in for the long haul. The weakness is to forget it is the ONLY way. Other ways have been fabricated, or corrupted, but This is an immutable fact and it's acceptance can lead to healing, forgiveness or other more favorable outcomes.
Some day, I'll have the DOJ at my door claiming I Told too much truth, and it was now a Crime to continue to ask for Transparency. My Crime will be to only embrace truth and not be willing to have less. Lawyers will call it an antagonistic position, one of harassment, and thereby belittling those unable to have truth. Liars will now have medicines and doctors, therapy, a minority status, and truth will be out in the cold.
(AS the dish is best served. )
Let's try this again. Ott returns to court next wEd. Aug. 29th, and she will be sentenced or Plead to charges of conspiracy injurious to the public.
Pormir, was out in July, probation his sentence.
Hughes remains the final player, who has to face a potential trial, but with the first two taking deals, it would not be unlikely she would do the same if it were offered. But Hughes, I"m afraid, was a puppet and the masters have left on their probation.
Her limited employment time shows Hughes to be only a response to elder abuse conditions shown in an earlier survey of the department. She had less than six months at KVHD.
The Department of Health SErvices, were pointing fingers at the SNF for patient dehydration, short staffing, and PHYSICAL restraints. Hughes came on and the patients were now on drugs as a form of restraint. And one against her will, several nurses administering something to quiet her down.
Get it?
Complaints at KVHD from nursing home residents?
They are not welcome or accepted from outside the hallowed halls, I feel nothing but sad as this must have been a paranoia inducing experience to be shut down with a needle, five nurses, and a doctor's okaying of the prescription. As this woman was wrangled and deemed in need of some restraint....
I am sure they did not see it for themselves, though.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
How To Create A Ghost town...coming soon...
With the hospital there are major problems with debt and service, but the real culprits with the Army Corps of Engineers, have the whole Kern River Valley hostage...
If you own real estate, a business, or just enjoy the area for recreation and relaxation, that DREAM has come to an end, as a sudden need by government to REPAIR the Lake Isabella Dam, has been enacted and 40 million dollars spent, to PRE-plan a reinforcement of this dam.
Politicians, such Congressman Kevin McCarthy, know that the current lifestyle in Lake Isabella is being threatened as the state and feds have declared the dam unsafe. Some thoughts are the EARTHEN dam was built to withstand seismic activity, with some seepage, being normal. BUt the Army of Corp. of Engineers moves forward with invasive plans to remake the dam and rebuild it to the tune of half a billion dollars.
This project is OFFICIALLY OPPOSED by me and I will make my case. I will make my arguments, that this is a MONEY GRAB, LAND GRAB, and NOT a safety hazard. It's a hazard to all homeowners, as with winds come the WHITE DUST storms off the barren lake, one side an algae producing body of stagnant water, and the to the south, a storm of particulate matter, being swept into clouds in the late afternoons.
If you ask most local residents, they will cynically respond to questions about the dam project and how it came out of the blue, and how costly this project IS and will become. (40 million are costs to date of discussion, no construction)
Also, ask if they care about the community and they are sadly predicting the downfall, the running out of the local population, interruption of businesses, under the false idea that there is a SAFETY ISSUE to address.
Maybe ask a beaver, as they are creators of earthen dams that often channel and redirect waters, but they would likely give you a more honest take on this hot potato which can only cause more suffering for the financially unfit valley which has seen real estate prices crash around them, as news of this SCAM dam project spreads.
I'm opposing this project, and will be moving forward with a warfare of my own. Dam them all! LOL
Will get some word on the White Cloud wind Storms of particulate matter created in the once a MINING area, articificially created lakebed, which has become airborne and ingest able for those in the area.
Is it SAFE to breath the air?
THE algae situation has become evident, as the green water, the overgrowth, stagnates, and creates a environment KNOWN to KILL DOGS and BIRDS and FISH.
Will these same people, politicians, make sure there is SAFE air to BREATH for the leftover residents?
I'm asking Senator Jean Fuller, a reticent voice in the valley, if she believes there is a way to INCLUDE residents in the process and keep them SAFE from health and financial HARM.
Kevin McCarthy and the Army Corps team are also on the list for comments. BUT if they are NOT willing to get down to real business, we will ignore them, and move toward a SECOND OPINION OR TWO.
And how will this project effect the future of KVHD? Will the impact blow them out of the water?
If you own real estate, a business, or just enjoy the area for recreation and relaxation, that DREAM has come to an end, as a sudden need by government to REPAIR the Lake Isabella Dam, has been enacted and 40 million dollars spent, to PRE-plan a reinforcement of this dam.
Politicians, such Congressman Kevin McCarthy, know that the current lifestyle in Lake Isabella is being threatened as the state and feds have declared the dam unsafe. Some thoughts are the EARTHEN dam was built to withstand seismic activity, with some seepage, being normal. BUt the Army of Corp. of Engineers moves forward with invasive plans to remake the dam and rebuild it to the tune of half a billion dollars.
This project is OFFICIALLY OPPOSED by me and I will make my case. I will make my arguments, that this is a MONEY GRAB, LAND GRAB, and NOT a safety hazard. It's a hazard to all homeowners, as with winds come the WHITE DUST storms off the barren lake, one side an algae producing body of stagnant water, and the to the south, a storm of particulate matter, being swept into clouds in the late afternoons.
If you ask most local residents, they will cynically respond to questions about the dam project and how it came out of the blue, and how costly this project IS and will become. (40 million are costs to date of discussion, no construction)
Also, ask if they care about the community and they are sadly predicting the downfall, the running out of the local population, interruption of businesses, under the false idea that there is a SAFETY ISSUE to address.
Maybe ask a beaver, as they are creators of earthen dams that often channel and redirect waters, but they would likely give you a more honest take on this hot potato which can only cause more suffering for the financially unfit valley which has seen real estate prices crash around them, as news of this SCAM dam project spreads.
I'm opposing this project, and will be moving forward with a warfare of my own. Dam them all! LOL
Will get some word on the White Cloud wind Storms of particulate matter created in the once a MINING area, articificially created lakebed, which has become airborne and ingest able for those in the area.
Is it SAFE to breath the air?
THE algae situation has become evident, as the green water, the overgrowth, stagnates, and creates a environment KNOWN to KILL DOGS and BIRDS and FISH.
Will these same people, politicians, make sure there is SAFE air to BREATH for the leftover residents?
I'm asking Senator Jean Fuller, a reticent voice in the valley, if she believes there is a way to INCLUDE residents in the process and keep them SAFE from health and financial HARM.
Kevin McCarthy and the Army Corps team are also on the list for comments. BUT if they are NOT willing to get down to real business, we will ignore them, and move toward a SECOND OPINION OR TWO.
And how will this project effect the future of KVHD? Will the impact blow them out of the water?
Representing the Truth and Compassion, Underserved community....
Well, It's that time again, it's time to talk truth and no more "polite talk."
I'm sure there are those unwilling to abide the TRUTh, and they are certainly enjoying a Renaissance of deception, but there is no other cause I prefer, no other reason to do any of this, as this is my banner.
With that said, we enter the NEW AGE of KVHD and politically prompted policy makers and law enforcement "reinforcement" as there was a slide to the side of "JUST US" and no justice, as Defendants in the KVHD elder abuse case, have walked away with little more than slaps on the wrist.
Okay, now it's my turn.
Today, August 22, 2012, Pamela Ott, former KVHD CEO, has her hearing in the Kern County Superior Court today, awaiting a plea deal. Ott is expected to get the same treatment as former co-worker, Dr. Hoshang Pormir, was let loose of elder abuse charges and plead "out" to conspiracy charges, leaving him with a 3 year probation sentence.
Ott, who was treated as a martyr by KVHD board members, after her resignation in 2007, even to the degree that she was taken onto the local radio station, and given a defense venue by Bob Jamison, disc jokey, and board member, to defend her actions.
Jamison who has repeatedly used his radio vocation to mix with his hospital side job as board member, and none of it has been uncontroversial.
Ott's status will be updated as I find out what exactly has happened, to fail all of us. Ott has credentials that should actually be a "cautionary tale" to those in human resources, the justice department or anywhere else there would be an expected degree transparency.
Ott has gotten a few helping hands as she has managed to be chased around, from the Kern River Valley to Sierra Kings in Reedley, as she is suspected of many violations against these districts. However, the likelyhood that these will ever be reckoned by those in the "HEALTHCARE WELFARE" industry which feeds architects, lawyers, bond salesmen, immoral activity of the ugliest kind, is remote.
BUT, I won't stop. And we will revisit some of Ott's top ten crimes, as that's all I have to time for. LOL
Fresno county DA office, refused to take a report or to discuss implications stemming from the Sierra Kings District hospital bankruptcy where some amount of merit was given to reports there was THEFT of FUNDs from the local GOB and even loss of EMPLOYEE pension funds. Ott worked with Barbara Jennings, who were both "let loose" by the Sierra Kings Board of directors, shortly before the financial crisis hit rock bottom.
My interference apparently was not well received, as I have created an awful atmosphere of INsisting upon this idle, uncomfortable idea of Truth. Nasty stuff I guess.
Elder abuse, is reprehensible, but using elder abuse to get elected GOVERnor, Mr. Brown, is DISGUStING. And that is exactly what Governor Jerry Brown did to this community. In 2010 he used the Kern River Valley, the Attorney General's office and reputation, to Launch himself to the Capitol and begin his AUsterity wars, I'll call them.
In this process, he used much media attraction and attention, weighing in about the KVHD elder abuse case, calling it the "worst he had seen."
Also, using HOLLYwood or Weird to project his "lawfulness" to the crowd of voters back in 2009 and 2010, as he said repeatedly, he was NOT running, and that all the fanfare was about his justice seeking missiles, which have missed our hospital and valley, and are on their way back to the governor's mansion as I
Michael Jackson, Anna Nicole Smith, got Personal Visits from the AG, and well, we got a lot of hot air, as we are simply a town of backward simpletons without a grain of sense, and a notorious need to trust the wrong people and giving credit where it was NOT due.
So, on the list of TO DO is my new austerity measure: NO MORE POLITE Chit CHat, just hard hitting words and truth. Indeed,
"Kabala" Harris where is the magic?
Another political figure who has been subtracted from our equation has been the new and current Attorney General, Kamala Harris, who rode into her role on the Coat tails of Jerry Brown.
Harris used rhetoric such as "you don't have to lose your principles to serve in government" as a platform to take the helm from Brown as the former prosecutor, was voted in to the office alongside her "mentor" Jerry in 2010.
She has been MUTE, unseen, a force of NOTHING, a existential AG, who was JUST there and not justice as we have sought remedies to the problems that occurred at KVHD and Sierra Kings.
Why should she move into any position after her foray as a political figure HIDING from a fight which would keep her a viable volleyball in the political FUTURE where she would likely be used as a candidate, Manchurian, LOL, for the DEMOCRATIC party? And the less she says, the less she has to explain come election time. And as a black woman, prosecutor, a light skinned African American, HOLY CASH COW, she meets all the "demo" requirements to exceed and surpass demographics which even cross party lines.
She's meant to be the virgin as she creates a RESUME of political office.
Not fooling us all though.
Timmy's toy box...
The CEO of KVHD, TIm Mcglew, is expected to recieved another raise in two weeks, as the administrator has been held accountable as the number one paid CEO at the smallest hospital in Kern County.
How a hospital so financially distressed, calling it's community to BAIL THEM out of bad decisions which have left them in debt, understaffed, and under suspicion of at the least being EVASIVE, would be justifying the expense of paying more than 200K in good money for a Suit and tie type of administrator is questionable.
Some response will be requested as this has happened again, another year, another raise, and another round of ring around the payroll.
My goal is to make our DEBTOR, Cal Mtg. in the office of Statewide Healthcare Planning and Development, OSHPD, a HOUSEHOLD name in the healthcare financial industry, as the debt suffered by the hospital was created by these lenders back in 1988. It was a small hospital, in need of expansion, worth less than one million, but receiving a Bond endenture of 22 million.
NO Collateral, no problem CAl Mtg. said in 1988, as they dropped off a bag of money, spent on construction which lend itself to only completely HALF the glass, and not half full either.
THE skilled nursing facility was to be created as 140 bed project, coming in with 70 beds, at the end, and no accounting of WHERE did the money go?
Board members, Cal Mtg. operatives, have denied and been evasive, as to the disposition of all those monies, and they have had the hubris to believe that we as a community, will pay this off and indebt ourselves into 30 years of increased property taxes. (Yeah, right)
So far, this community has held strong to not being taxed, but that tune of VOLUNTARY taxation without representation has been challenged to the north, as Governor Jerry Brown has added money to our property taxes for fire fighting, but he avoids calling it a tax, or allowing any VOTE by the public in opposition.
This involuntary taxation is going to be a problem, as the Governor, has created an environment of usurping civil and public rights.
So when the hospital decides it can no longer remain in business taking small handouts instead of the big money, we may see something of a THREAT to tax.
Cal Mtg. has held the position that KVHD can NOT bankrupt on this bond debt, and recently made a new LOAN to keep them up on their payments of the original sin, and putting this off on another generation which will inherit the on going debt.
Why can't KVHD bankrupt? Why can't we have a lower priced CEO? Why do we need a CFO? And why are the financial records so difficult and so confusing that board members regularly request CFO CheT Beedle explain the "facts" to them.
Ask the board, how KVHD is doing financially, and you may just have A Kern Valley Sun article about them being in the "black." But how would a public healthcare district explain that they are in the black EXCEPT for the debt part. Again, low regard for the community, so low that they are willing to take advantage of the trusting nature, offering indefensible explanations, and does not appreciate when local figures find problems with their financial crunching.
One woman who found a 75K error on the books was taunted, derided, hung up by phone, and disrespected in every manner.
Bored or Board?
This year there are THREE count them, three board seats up for grabs, as Dr. Robert Gross, Victoria Alwin, and Bob Jamison are up for re-election. Jamison is the only candidate heading for pasture, but in his wake, new QAB radio owner, Charlie Busch, reaches out to voters to continue the intimacy between radio and healthcare by entering the race. Busch, being seen at his very first board meeting last month, will be the only candidate not well known to local voters.
Gross, who has many irons in the KVHD fire, and Alwin who has served as Timekeeper and board leader for a few years, are back at it, running again. Gross, owner of Sienna Wellness, a former DIRECTOR of Rural Health this past year, contracted as SNF Medical provider, seen in the acute care and ER, and now again, running for the board.
Barbara Casas, a board member of former repute, will join the race too, aside John Blythe and Tom Wright, both familiar names and often opposing opinions to the status quo.
There will be a page dedicated to the election on KVHD Under FIRe, as we look at the potential changes that a new board may bring. And I believe the candidates deserve a chance to say what they will without my interference and snarky comments, so that will as usual be provided.
But snarky comments are born out of frustration with polite, accommodating, behaviors easily mistaken as KINDNESS and fairplay, and I would NOT want that to be the case. lol
Finally, this is a mess. This is a discomfort, disservice, a nightmare for many people and a nasty reminder that money does grow in public healthcare districts, and it breeds contempt for those they should only be interested in SERVING.
I'm gearing up to GETTING 'er DONE, so let's get started.
New video on YOUTUBE, KVHD under FIRE, and a trip NORTH will be on the menu in the next few weeks.
Laura Hart
I'm sure there are those unwilling to abide the TRUTh, and they are certainly enjoying a Renaissance of deception, but there is no other cause I prefer, no other reason to do any of this, as this is my banner.
With that said, we enter the NEW AGE of KVHD and politically prompted policy makers and law enforcement "reinforcement" as there was a slide to the side of "JUST US" and no justice, as Defendants in the KVHD elder abuse case, have walked away with little more than slaps on the wrist.
Okay, now it's my turn.
Today, August 22, 2012, Pamela Ott, former KVHD CEO, has her hearing in the Kern County Superior Court today, awaiting a plea deal. Ott is expected to get the same treatment as former co-worker, Dr. Hoshang Pormir, was let loose of elder abuse charges and plead "out" to conspiracy charges, leaving him with a 3 year probation sentence.
Ott, who was treated as a martyr by KVHD board members, after her resignation in 2007, even to the degree that she was taken onto the local radio station, and given a defense venue by Bob Jamison, disc jokey, and board member, to defend her actions.
Jamison who has repeatedly used his radio vocation to mix with his hospital side job as board member, and none of it has been uncontroversial.
Ott's status will be updated as I find out what exactly has happened, to fail all of us. Ott has credentials that should actually be a "cautionary tale" to those in human resources, the justice department or anywhere else there would be an expected degree transparency.
Ott has gotten a few helping hands as she has managed to be chased around, from the Kern River Valley to Sierra Kings in Reedley, as she is suspected of many violations against these districts. However, the likelyhood that these will ever be reckoned by those in the "HEALTHCARE WELFARE" industry which feeds architects, lawyers, bond salesmen, immoral activity of the ugliest kind, is remote.
BUT, I won't stop. And we will revisit some of Ott's top ten crimes, as that's all I have to time for. LOL
Fresno county DA office, refused to take a report or to discuss implications stemming from the Sierra Kings District hospital bankruptcy where some amount of merit was given to reports there was THEFT of FUNDs from the local GOB and even loss of EMPLOYEE pension funds. Ott worked with Barbara Jennings, who were both "let loose" by the Sierra Kings Board of directors, shortly before the financial crisis hit rock bottom.
My interference apparently was not well received, as I have created an awful atmosphere of INsisting upon this idle, uncomfortable idea of Truth. Nasty stuff I guess.
Elder abuse, is reprehensible, but using elder abuse to get elected GOVERnor, Mr. Brown, is DISGUStING. And that is exactly what Governor Jerry Brown did to this community. In 2010 he used the Kern River Valley, the Attorney General's office and reputation, to Launch himself to the Capitol and begin his AUsterity wars, I'll call them.
In this process, he used much media attraction and attention, weighing in about the KVHD elder abuse case, calling it the "worst he had seen."
Also, using HOLLYwood or Weird to project his "lawfulness" to the crowd of voters back in 2009 and 2010, as he said repeatedly, he was NOT running, and that all the fanfare was about his justice seeking missiles, which have missed our hospital and valley, and are on their way back to the governor's mansion as I
Michael Jackson, Anna Nicole Smith, got Personal Visits from the AG, and well, we got a lot of hot air, as we are simply a town of backward simpletons without a grain of sense, and a notorious need to trust the wrong people and giving credit where it was NOT due.
So, on the list of TO DO is my new austerity measure: NO MORE POLITE Chit CHat, just hard hitting words and truth. Indeed,
"Kabala" Harris where is the magic?
Another political figure who has been subtracted from our equation has been the new and current Attorney General, Kamala Harris, who rode into her role on the Coat tails of Jerry Brown.
Harris used rhetoric such as "you don't have to lose your principles to serve in government" as a platform to take the helm from Brown as the former prosecutor, was voted in to the office alongside her "mentor" Jerry in 2010.
She has been MUTE, unseen, a force of NOTHING, a existential AG, who was JUST there and not justice as we have sought remedies to the problems that occurred at KVHD and Sierra Kings.
Why should she move into any position after her foray as a political figure HIDING from a fight which would keep her a viable volleyball in the political FUTURE where she would likely be used as a candidate, Manchurian, LOL, for the DEMOCRATIC party? And the less she says, the less she has to explain come election time. And as a black woman, prosecutor, a light skinned African American, HOLY CASH COW, she meets all the "demo" requirements to exceed and surpass demographics which even cross party lines.
She's meant to be the virgin as she creates a RESUME of political office.
Not fooling us all though.
Timmy's toy box...
The CEO of KVHD, TIm Mcglew, is expected to recieved another raise in two weeks, as the administrator has been held accountable as the number one paid CEO at the smallest hospital in Kern County.
How a hospital so financially distressed, calling it's community to BAIL THEM out of bad decisions which have left them in debt, understaffed, and under suspicion of at the least being EVASIVE, would be justifying the expense of paying more than 200K in good money for a Suit and tie type of administrator is questionable.
Some response will be requested as this has happened again, another year, another raise, and another round of ring around the payroll.
My goal is to make our DEBTOR, Cal Mtg. in the office of Statewide Healthcare Planning and Development, OSHPD, a HOUSEHOLD name in the healthcare financial industry, as the debt suffered by the hospital was created by these lenders back in 1988. It was a small hospital, in need of expansion, worth less than one million, but receiving a Bond endenture of 22 million.
NO Collateral, no problem CAl Mtg. said in 1988, as they dropped off a bag of money, spent on construction which lend itself to only completely HALF the glass, and not half full either.
THE skilled nursing facility was to be created as 140 bed project, coming in with 70 beds, at the end, and no accounting of WHERE did the money go?
Board members, Cal Mtg. operatives, have denied and been evasive, as to the disposition of all those monies, and they have had the hubris to believe that we as a community, will pay this off and indebt ourselves into 30 years of increased property taxes. (Yeah, right)
So far, this community has held strong to not being taxed, but that tune of VOLUNTARY taxation without representation has been challenged to the north, as Governor Jerry Brown has added money to our property taxes for fire fighting, but he avoids calling it a tax, or allowing any VOTE by the public in opposition.
This involuntary taxation is going to be a problem, as the Governor, has created an environment of usurping civil and public rights.
So when the hospital decides it can no longer remain in business taking small handouts instead of the big money, we may see something of a THREAT to tax.
Cal Mtg. has held the position that KVHD can NOT bankrupt on this bond debt, and recently made a new LOAN to keep them up on their payments of the original sin, and putting this off on another generation which will inherit the on going debt.
Why can't KVHD bankrupt? Why can't we have a lower priced CEO? Why do we need a CFO? And why are the financial records so difficult and so confusing that board members regularly request CFO CheT Beedle explain the "facts" to them.
Ask the board, how KVHD is doing financially, and you may just have A Kern Valley Sun article about them being in the "black." But how would a public healthcare district explain that they are in the black EXCEPT for the debt part. Again, low regard for the community, so low that they are willing to take advantage of the trusting nature, offering indefensible explanations, and does not appreciate when local figures find problems with their financial crunching.
One woman who found a 75K error on the books was taunted, derided, hung up by phone, and disrespected in every manner.
Bored or Board?
This year there are THREE count them, three board seats up for grabs, as Dr. Robert Gross, Victoria Alwin, and Bob Jamison are up for re-election. Jamison is the only candidate heading for pasture, but in his wake, new QAB radio owner, Charlie Busch, reaches out to voters to continue the intimacy between radio and healthcare by entering the race. Busch, being seen at his very first board meeting last month, will be the only candidate not well known to local voters.
Gross, who has many irons in the KVHD fire, and Alwin who has served as Timekeeper and board leader for a few years, are back at it, running again. Gross, owner of Sienna Wellness, a former DIRECTOR of Rural Health this past year, contracted as SNF Medical provider, seen in the acute care and ER, and now again, running for the board.
Barbara Casas, a board member of former repute, will join the race too, aside John Blythe and Tom Wright, both familiar names and often opposing opinions to the status quo.
There will be a page dedicated to the election on KVHD Under FIRe, as we look at the potential changes that a new board may bring. And I believe the candidates deserve a chance to say what they will without my interference and snarky comments, so that will as usual be provided.
But snarky comments are born out of frustration with polite, accommodating, behaviors easily mistaken as KINDNESS and fairplay, and I would NOT want that to be the case. lol
Finally, this is a mess. This is a discomfort, disservice, a nightmare for many people and a nasty reminder that money does grow in public healthcare districts, and it breeds contempt for those they should only be interested in SERVING.
I'm gearing up to GETTING 'er DONE, so let's get started.
New video on YOUTUBE, KVHD under FIRE, and a trip NORTH will be on the menu in the next few weeks.
Laura Hart
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