Persistance and Tenacity, requires a new chapter, a new beginning....

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


The Walk is getting Wider as PAmela Ott has Been delivered on another Three year probation sentence in the Kern Valley Health care District Elder Abuse  bargain with the Top Prosecutor's office In the State of California, the Office Of A-turn-key General "Kamala Harris" as her leadership has Shown to Be "Justice light" in regard to this case.

Dr. HOshang Pormir Walked away with the same Penalty in JUly and Ott followed suit, as her matching "throw in the" Towels, sentence is Short of "Three STrikes" or simply Tough Love. Pormir and OTT, both oversaw the skilled Nursing facility, Yet, remaining defendant GWEN HUGHES, will Go to Trial this fall, in October, the MOst LIKELy to see any Jail time. 

I could not see the legal case file last week, as Kern County Superior Court felony department provided they were Left in court. Records in the Case are Expected to return to Public Scrutiny this week, But Ott, the former KVHD CEo, has Ridden out of DODGE city with minor Repercussions in the Case as the Three Year Probation is a bargain basement Sentence.

The CEO still must face Civil trials, but the Department of Justice, has wrapped up it's top Two Defendants in a Quicky of JUStice, tricky , as the maGician behind the curtain is Certainly the Kabala of Harris, THE AG, "Kamala" BUT no one is fooled by the strings that ties bind, as I think we all /do MIND.

We MInd that this Is NOT a Just Response.

NOt even close to Scales With a Balancing Act. Appears to the public another EYE shutter, as the players are not concerned and have not learned. LOL

These Are SCales profoundly WEIGHED down, to one side.

They Err and ERR and the Playing field is not Fair.

Only a Decade ago Three Years of Probation was saved for MINOR crimes, and the assertion here in the elder abuse case, is that this vulnerable demographic remains vulnerable.

A ball has been dropped in this game. It has lacked all good in it's Ill attempt to only assuage it's audience.

WHo has Control of this OFFICE, this AG, this DOJ, who cannot see that there has been an affront to all who are unwilling to turn tail and Run?

AGAIN, news is PAmela Ott, KVHD CEO, and Sierra KIngs CEO, Elder abuse Defendant, has received a THree year probation sentence in the KVHD elder abuse case, bargaining with prosecutors.

CAse is nOW in court of public opinion. LOL

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