Persistance and Tenacity, requires a new chapter, a new beginning....

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Utilities more like FUTilities

Imagine, that in the minds and hearts of those with the good intentions (beating with money of course) of moving a small trench up a mountain, From InyoKern California, across Highway 14, and threading up the 178, into our beloved Kern Valley.

This Data snake would live in a trench aside the road, and bring internet to almost 10,000 new customers, lighting up the up and downloads, for Mediacom.

The whole proposition was ordered with the help of a grant from the California Public Utilities Commission.

The Actual project of construction as ORIGINALLy accepted and planned, was 6 to 8 weeks.

But this Thirty something miles of Super DATA highway has been on hold for the last four years.

Mediacom, intersects this line with their existing tracks, and the "TEchnology" comes to the starved outer, eastern "settlements."

Utilities are part of our focus, as the HEALTH of this valley relies on some players, money pockets of hands, and there sure are a whole bunch of them on the scene, looking for something.


So, with this in mind, I have made calls, and hope to paint a few pictures.

California Water company on the Scout again for more money as rates are hiking and the trail is overgrown with Poison oak.

I'm getting itchy, feel a trend, a desperation, pressure for others, but a shifting.

More on Mediacom and it's FIBER optic line, 1/2 inch in diameter, having trouble finding a PERMIT? lol Cal TRans is the hold up....

LOOking AT Utlilites such as Verizon situation. Had a Bill to pay no internet which had made me paperless a transition requiring two phone calls.

VERIZON OFFERS no PHONE payment without cost. BILL MATRIX, is the outside service which gets $3.50 to process my bill.

Southern California Edison will Take a Check over the phone free of charge, but has the SAME credit/debit charges for payment.

BOTH big boys offers a NIckel and DIMing Atmosphere, in a multi Million Dollar Customer base fashion.

VOLUME, as the Wizard of numbers for the Kern Valley Healthcare District, CHET BEEDLE, has repeated is the ANSWER. (no doubt)

And these monopolies have taken this as their ADVANTAGE. The playing field oh so marred, tripping as you find you can't shake these Small time crooks.

More to follow....Just getting warmed up.

Senator Jean Fuller in town mediating between local community members outraged at another rate increase for CAl WAter.

One audience member at the meeting, Town Hall, style, remarked that CAl WAter paid out dividends to stock holders, and he would rather " an investor than a customer."

We are investors, and What a horrible investment we have made giving these companies whose sole purpose is to make more money at a rate only their ADDICTION and fear will limit, the power to severely impact our lives.

Ratepayers group set up a situation in which the direct costs of this increase was passed along to others out of the area.

But I remember, the OFF note, I heard when told by the DRA, it's only pennies, they won't notice.


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