Quick update: Word is that there will be a drive thru seasonal flu shot clinic on Nov. 4, from 9 am to 2 pm in the front parking lot of the Kern Valley Healthcare District hospital.
Costs are $10, but those with insurance need to check with their providers to see if there is any reimbursement available.
So, a little late but worth the wait. Hopefully the hospital will have obtained enough of the vaccine to catch the rest of us who have not had our shots.
Got a court date with a former CEO I just can't miss:
I won't be at the drive thru shot clinic, because November fourth is a big day in this valley not just for vaccines: it's the preliminary hearing date for the elder abuse case starring the leader Pam Ott.
It will be worth missing the flu clinic to have the camera in court to see exactly what the state of California is going to do. Will it be plea deals or is the Attorney General Jerry Brown serious about following through...we will see won't we.
Next week: the countdown begins, and you will finally get a look at our video from Ott's resignation in 2007. There are only four new videos up currently on our YouTube site, but I'm going this afternoon to try and get you thirty more.
After six months of neglect, our YouTube site is being watered and manicured.
Look for: "Knight Grilling some Ott" "SNF part 1" "SNF part 2" and "Short staffing" are up now.
I've cut the videos into smaller segments, under two minutes, for easier viewing.
Oh, the story is interesting, but you should follow up with the videos for a real feel for these people.
Quite unbelievable radio today on QAB:
Bob Jamison, KVHD board member, Pam Ott supporter, and radio talk show host, got his name a bit smeared this morning by a listener who didn't like his regular nonsense about medical marijuana.
Apparently, Jamison had a flyer he said was "found" in Bodfish canyon, which was an invitation for medical marijuana event.
As he went on making this some hot issue, the police were supposed to be interested in (it's medical marijuana, Bob, and its quite legal) he took a call from the community.
Now this is really funny and quite fitting, as Jamison uses this radio outlet to attack all who come against him or something lodged in his mind.
This is what happened: The caller came on and asked about the flyer, then told Mr. Jamison she was the one who organized this event.
Then, she said, Bob you drink, so what are you talking about? He began to answer, and the caller told him that she and her son lived in the valley for 20 years and that Jamison was known to drink and beat his wife.
Yeah, we're all agog about this. He finally got a taste of his own medicine on the air for all who listen, (a few left I guess), and it was fitting.
I make no claim to know Jamison's alcohol intake or how he treats his wife, that's their problem or her problem or whatever. Maybe the caller knew more than I did about them, but I don't need to attack him on that level, it's way too easy simply criticizing his lack of ability as a board member.
It's the fact that Jamison was attacking someone on the air about their medical marijuana event, party or whatever, thinking that he was safe and then the caller turned it right around on him.
Go get him Kern River Valley...Don't let him think that he can broadcast an attack on you and not expect some retaliation.
(I've been under attack by Jamison, and for some reason, he seems to think that this is okay, but what I'm doing here on the blog isn't. Hypocrites and cowards always can dish it out, but can never take it. But I would not have attacked him personally regarding his drinking or his wife. The caller did that.
So, you know, both Mr. and Mrs. Jamison felt they could freely defame me, and called me a drunk and other fun things, in front and to people who know me. I'm not a drunk, but he and Mrs. radio broadcast, felt no compunction about this kind of attack. Aside from all the other ones about how I was slanting stories about the problems in the skilled nursing facility at the hospital, yeah, right.
Mr. Jamison, from 2007, his famous attack pose, threatening lawsuits, physical violence, and calling Pam Ott leaving the district, "a tragedy."
Jamison at a recent KVHD board meeting in 2009, looking more subdued, but nonetheless, still dangerous as his attacks on people in the community via QAB media, make him quite the popular dinner guest about town.
It's about time that Jamison get's some of his own medicine, how can the vally continue to support this jerk