Persistance and Tenacity, requires a new chapter, a new beginning....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Part three: Bob Jamison and QAB/sexual harassment too?/court date with the media Feb. 3

The never-ending story:
As if the Kern Valley Healthcare District story with the elder abuse, the bullying of employees and even board members, the use of small town media to cover some bad deeds indeed, I have brought another element to light and that is sexual harassment.
As I've described to you over the course of more than a year of writing this blog, that it would all come down to the fact that I've collected information and evidence, some of which is uncomfortable, yet the truth.
Nobody was comfortable in March of 2007 when I grabbed my bugle and began to play revievelle to a sleepy community unwilling to be awakened by matters such as public safety issues within the publicly run healthcare district, hospital which may have hastened the passing of residents of the nursing center.
At the time I began to bring in evidence and tell the story which continued and still continues to this day, about the mismanagement leading to, at the very least, mistreatment of people and more sickening, the weak, the infirm, the eldery, which we have now established DID occur under our noses, with the help of many, in our community and in our hospital.
The fight in early 2007 was the fact that there was a problem and who and what was causing it, was only in question. Very few would believe this could happen.
Because of certain circumstances and let's say it, priorities, the media in our valley put out confusing messages, one hoping to hold on to it's advertising, afraid to believe it was not as bad as it seemed; the other, willing to completely offer it's media services to a "resigning" CEO, who would be the first administrator out the door as the nursing center was approached being a safety hazard the state would have to close down.
Now, after the Department of Justice came through, a little late, but they at least showed up, which cannot be said for other agencies, such as the Grand Jury, who had early access to evidence which could have been seized in 2007, rather than a year later after the shredder was paid off.
And I don't know what the story is with the Department of Public Health, but several of us had an appointment to peruse public records regarding the hospital nursing center investigation, (the records are most likely in the hands of the state for their "potential" criminal trial) last April 2nd, and then were actually avoided for a full year.

Wow, the government, when they want to get you off their back, (because I'm just a small fly, a gadfly, and they know there is nothing I personally can do, except what I have been doing: telling the truth and following it up with evidence) they just laugh at you and ignore you.
I'm really a nothing in the big scheme of things. But because I don't believe any of us should be walking around thinking we are victims, acting as if we are victims thus ignoring the potential to act and solve problems: I just keep going.
We have reached another level to this now, where I am going to utilize our court system, part of the greater justice system: Small Claims court.
What tools do I have to use? Not many, my friends, but I will use them all until this is settled.
And because I said last year that I believed strongly that both the Kern Valley Sun Newspaper and more overtly, QAB media, owners of four radio channels, and access to the web and at one time, using the affiliate ABC radio news at the end of blogs authored by Bob Jamison, meant to attack maliciously without supportive information.
But even more sinister, has been the use of the station all the way up to the election, when Mr. Jamison, with a straight face, used his radio station to campaign for himself for board of directors at the hospital.
That particular program caused my phone to ring, as Jamison got off some personal attacks against the other candidates. Which I guess, if you don't embarass easily, is legal, but certainly an unwelcome example of small town politics.
I thank God the part of the scenario where the truth was just in our imaginations, there was no crime taking place, we didn't really get emails saying those things, nobody lied, and on and on.
Now it's the aftermath, however, we need to bring ourselves to that understanding so we can begin the clean up.
And I'm afraid what we have now, is more about how it happened, a disagreement between many people about how this poisonous situation took place.
I have put in front of you evidence which I believe supports a true conspiracy of top administrators, board members, the local media, and dare I say it, but an egregious example of the inefficiency of the many government agencies.
Next week the media in small claims court
Subject: sexual harassment

As I have been gathering all my evidence together to bring with me to court next week, and funny enough, the February 3rd board meeting date as well,

I am pleased to have my own opportunity to tell my story and show my evidence, and stand up for what I believe in, even if it is only in the smallest court we have.
Other people are out there punching it out, pointing guns at others, maybe even making threats, enjoying some slanderous or salamanderous moments at the expense of others, but I prefer to use truth and the avenues open to the average person (sans the attorneys) to do my work.
And as I've told everyone who has helped with this fight, this has never been about me, it is about all of us, and some of us like to talk the talk, while others can walk the walk.
So here's another subject that needs to be addressed for every young woman or man who has felt oppressive sexual advances connected to non-sexual situations such as a job.
As I will address in court next Wed. Feb. 3 at 3 pm in the Lake Isabella courthouse, prior to Mr. Jamison becoming overtly sexual in our conversations regarding my request to work with the radio station, as we had already set up situations where I called into the talk show Jamison, things were fine.
However, the more I was interested in the idea of doing a radio show, the more he was interested in meeting me for lunch or rambling on about strange, then eventually sexual things in our conversations.
This is a classical harassment set up, as opposed to just some sexual jokes or remarks.
Each time I had an idea about the show, which is what I was put through creating the show and ideas: it became an invitation or a phone call.
Eventually, I knew that there was no way the situation would work out, as Mr. Jamison wanted more than a side kick for his talk show.
But then there is the issue too that Jamison clouded the airwaves for months regarding the allegations of elder abuse, brown act violations, slander and defamation, conflict of interest, and I guess, I'm throwing it in there, sexual harassment to set off the whole ugly story.
I think after this is over, in Superior court and even small claims court, we will hopefully have learned how to be the example, walk the walk, and not be afraid to say that some is "WRONG" very, very wrong.
The media attacked my name and reputation in a malacious manner, but they also gave the community an example that the media cannot be counted on to take on serious and even grave situations such as what has occurred here in this valley. And nothing has changed in that regard.
The community: They call me about the high school, college community services, the rural health clinic, the water pollution, the racism, need for more classes at the college, the situations with their children...because they know I care and won't look the other way.
I can't get to everything, but I'm here watching...You can count on it.
Jamison E-mail:

From: Bob Jamison >

To: Laura Hart >

Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006

14:51:09 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Laura,

Haven't heard anything else. At this point I do not intend to persue the matter further, as I think I got my point across to the subject agency on air.

As far as what we talked about after the show, I will tell you that like many people in the entertainment industry, I have a vivid imagination. In addition to listening to your words while we were on air, I was also keenly aware of the direction you seemed to want to go, but would not. We both have strong personalities and I can invision any number of situations that could result from two such people doing anything together. The result could be dynamic, exciting... the adjectives are nearly endless. It could also easily spin out of control.

Toward the latter, I must learn to stop imagining what people are waring when I am talking to them via phone from their home. I'm guessing that my vision of you setting in a chair in you pajamas drinking a glass of soy juice was more than likely inaccurate.

That's one of the things I love about radio, there is always enough room left for the imagination. TV, on the other hand, leaves no room for that.

Excuse me, I think I just inhaled my tie. Talk to you later.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bob Jamison and QAB part ll: equal time Mr. Bohn/Senator Ashburn tried to help/

Pam Ott, according to QAB..."nothing left to loose"

It was May of 2007, as Mr. Bob Jamison, radio talk show host and Kern Valley Healthcare District board member, took to his blog then went to the airwaves to seemingly protect the former CEO, Pamela Ott, now officially charged in the elder abuse case, brought about the state of California, Department of Justice (DOJ), Bureau of Medical fraud and elder abuse.

Ott resigned in early May 2007, (see post: Oh, those prophetic words), and Jamison began utilizing the media he worked for to protect her reputation and to deliver the news that the "news" was untrue.

We now know the news was true, there were serious problems in the skilled nursing facility and the hospital. And these problems became more serious as the hospital and some zealous board members, began to try and twist the news, bury the past, hide the errors, without any concern for the public or the ethical implications of a board member using the radio for his own political purposes.

However, the message that there were serious problems, possibly a public safety issue, was being battled by two media outlets and one freelance reporter. While the Kern Valley Sun Newspaper opted to keep their advertising in April of 2007 with the hospital, which meant they would just quietly write around the problems; QAB media allowed a full on attack on those who disagreed or criticized anything done by the hospital administration.

Jamsion announces interveiw with Ott...the victim

QAB, the company which owns the radio stations, allowed Mr. Jamison to bring Pamela Ott on his Friday, talk show, and allowed her an hour of time to tell her side of the story. (see post: Ott taped interview and Here's your witness Jerry Brown) This blog authored by Jamison, preceeded the radio show...

As the Valley waits with baited breath, or yawns bored to tears, waiting to see what dastardly deed the Sun will uncover next within the Kern Valley Healthcare District, this weeks Talk Show may shed some light on whatever is happening.
While the freelance reporter, which the Sun is suddenly distancing themselves from, continues to dig through years and years of Healthcare District public records, perhaps searching for the elusive "smoking gun", the stories keep being pumped out by the Sun, devoid of objectivity and, in my opinion, misleading.
I guess the days of journalistic integrity and readers assuming "it must be true, I read it in the newspaper" are long gone.

So. where do we turn to for the truth? Disgruntled employees?, Politically motivated board members?, Someone who posts messages on a community internet forum urging hospital employees to abandon their patients, go out on "stress leave" and illegally file false workman's comp claims?

How about the only person with nothing left to loose, no reason left to worry about political correctness or what the foul mouthed freelance reporter writes about her?
Outgoing Kern Valley Healthcare District CEO, Pamela Ott, will be on the Talk Show this Friday morning at 9am for the full hour.
Bob Jamison The Talk Show

Send E-mail to The Talk Show

There were many of us scrambling to find a way to respond to this skewed radio show, but there were no real outlets here in the valley who weren't connected to the largest employer, the kern valley healthcare District.

In an effort to try and make this a more balanced broadcast, we wrote in desperation to the owner of the station and ambulance company, Anthony Bohn, hoping that he would be more rational about Mr. Jamison's plans.

However, that would not be the case, and Bohn, maybe because of Jamison's position on the board, or rumors that Bohn has no other engineer without Jamison, or maybe because it would get some ratings, the interview went ahead, and the transcript is on this blog for all to read. (Is QAB really proud of this interview with Ott? Do they have any idea that they allowed only a criminally charged CEO to speak and forgot about the listeners, the truth, and the best interests of the valley?)

But we tried several times to summon the owner to do the right thing and allow other information added to the one sided show. Here is the second communication which went through the blog site for the show:

Name: Laura Hart E-mail Address: City: Weldon, California
Mr. Bohn; Here is the most recent blog of Mr. Jamison which I spoke of in a previous email.
I would like to ask the station the opportunity to provide equal time in regards to the Dam Talk show with Pamela Ott scheduled for this week. If you would please let me know if this is possible; and also let me again know what your policy is on this blog site.
I would be happy to supply you with information regarding this current situation and the likely cause of Mr. Jamison’s current need to strike out at the world in a rather incoherent and always misspelled way. Please email me or call me 378-3637. Laura Hart

We were basically laughed at as the power of the media was there's to do with what they wanted.

I find it hard to believe that Mr. Jamison is hypocritical enough to complain about the KVHD under fire! blog. LOL

Considering Mr. Jamison's blogging had absolutely no information, paperwork, evidence, only slanderous and defamatory blurbs and threats of lawsuits, I have a difficult time falling for his newly found, "victim role."

That is quite different from what is up on this site. As with the emails I am showing you now, and explaining the reasoning and rationale behind the circumstances which have occurred here in the valley which could quite honestly have lead to the closure of the only health services for this community.

And guess what? It still might.

Big DEBT, little SUPPORT

One more email for Senator Ashburn, as Jamison writes to me to convince me that the Senator who went to the state in an effort to help this hospital out from under a "super size me" Cal Mtg., OSHPD, KVHD board of directors, bond/insurance deal that went arry in 1986.

Oh, but there was more money and insurance for those monies, where that came from. 13 million, not enough: just throw in another 9 million in the cart and then they can finish the building, including the nursing center.

What? They couldn't finish the projects which are designed to pay for the bonds and expenses. What will they do? (where's the crystal ball?)

It was a call for bankruptcy
let's call it what it really is and was, a 40 plus million dollar debt from the office of Cal Mtg., a money maker inside of the Office of Statewide healthcare Planning and Development.

Yes, it's true, in 1999, Ashburn was contacted by the administrator as well as others concerned as to the debt that the hospital took on, and the failure to use that money in a way that it would be paid off in a timely manner, like before they bankrupt or get sued.

Ashburn did try to unite the people involved to bring about some relief for a hospital which made horrible financial decisions dating back to the mid 1980's, which I can probably say with some assurance, that those mistakes lead directly to the financial fiasco which cut staff to a minimum in the early 2000's, and residents of the nursing center paid the ultimate price.

But Jamison, goes about telling me about Ashburn, who is retiring from his political life, but once was quite interested in making sure the Kern Valley Healthcare District survived it's "mistakes in judgment," was in error even thinking about a bankruptcy option or even supporting a "bail out."

ASHBURN According to Bob Jamison

Hi Laura,

Thank you for calling into the program Friday morning. Hopefully your hard work will save someone from being suckered by these scam artists.
(had to break in here for an aside: which scam artists Mr. jamison, the one's you like and defend on your radio programs I forget?)
I was thinking about Senator Ashburn’s response to your questions. Throughout most of Ashburn’s life he has been on the extreme right of the political spectrum, and there has always been friction between himself and the more moderate wing of the Republican Party, especially Congressman Bill Thomas. In fact Ashburn has always believed that he should be Thomas’ replacement when he retired. The Republican Party has never giving Ashburn much in the way of support.

Remember I mentioned the custom Senate District that was created for him? His seat on the reapportionment committee was approved by the Democratic chair of the committee. Just prior to that Ashburn divorced, and ever since has acted differently to most who have known him. I may be wrong, but I’m guessing he has “unofficially” switched party’s. It sounds like the Democrats may be treating him a lot better than the Republicans.

Question is… why would an extreme right wing politician take such a bold step? Answer: A politician is all Ashburn has ever been. He’s never held another job. He went from Kern County Young Republican, to Supervisor, to undistinguished term limited Assemblyman, and was on his way to running for County assessor or something, which would effectively end his political future. He may have felt desperate enough to switch.

You might think I enjoy politics, as much as I talk about it, but actually I find the subject rather boring. I would much rather talk about something else.

Up Next: A retrospective on getting a job with QAB.
The evidence wasn't there for me yet, and I didn't know exactly what kind of people I was dealing with at the hospital, and I stepped into a pile of it in 2006, and found out the ugly way.
I had an interest in working with Mr. Jamison on the radio as I had become a regular caller, with local "scam" alerts (not very good at that was I?) on the talk show.
However, in our conversations about the show and my potential job, things began to get "twisted."

It will be the first time I've had to actually consider using a rating system, but I would prefer nobody under 18 read the blogs and emails coming up in the next story.

Here's an email sample from Jamison as to why I will be doing this:

Hi Laura,

Yesterday I saw an ad on TV for what appeared to be a porn website, and it reminded me, I haven't heard from Laura lately. So how was your Christmas & New Year? I didn't get what I wanted, but thats okay, its kind of like sex... the longer you have to wait, the better it is... Is that right? Its been so Iong I forget.
Understand now?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Bob Jamison story: board member, radio talk show host, defames and defends using the media as his weapon...

Big claims in a small court

Bob Jamison, rural radio wrangler, public healthcare district "trustee," shown here not answering my questions at a KVHD board meeting.

Let us begin the story of how two media outlets, one with an advertising contract to protect, and the other in a dual role reporting news but other role as publicly elected board member of the Kern Valley Healthcare District.

I've blogged my criticisms as to the situation here in the Kern River Valley, an insular community, in the mountains and surrounding the lake with the leaky damn, Lake Isabella.

This community was rocked by claims of elder abuse in it's only hospital last year, part of the Kern Valley Healthcare District, a public district, with elected board members, who were working not so much together, more as a quorum.

In this blog, these three board members are known as "the sticky three" as they stuck together during any situation when one were challenged, such as the one we are talking about now, Mr. Bob Jamison, radio star and healthcare district official, an interesting combination.

He was the talk of the town

When I first came along in 2005, covering the district for the only other local "news" paper, Mr. Jamison, was freely covering whatever he liked as far as news coverage, and his sharp angles he put on the hospital stories was a first for me.

During 2006, Jamison came in handy, as the hospital was throwing together a general obligation bond party hoping to get 12.5 million from the community, replacing the acute care wing outside the cafeteria, atop the grassy knoll, which turned out to be a bad place as a leech line was the obstruction to that plan.

When the going got tough one left the other howled

By the end of 2006 many things had gone wrong at the hospital, particularly in the nursing center, where several patients were alleged to have received improper drugs, and a California Attorney General, Jerry Brown, recently repeated that drugs were being given like candy to restrain the patients.

The employees didn't trust the administrators, or the board, with two exceptions, who became the first targets for board member and radio entertainer, Bob Jamison.

Here is a blog Jamison put up on the QAB LLC website, also including the name of ABC news radio, but this one wasn't to be about me: this one was about the other two board members who didn't ride with the quorum, Robert and Kathryn Knight.

Robert Knight was on the board, but when his wife Kay won a seat at the end of 2006, Jamison didn't take well to that, and began his own attacks.

Email to me alerting me to look at his work of defamation he had put up on the radio company's website. He seems shocked that nobody has caught on to his games or that nobody appreciated this clever ploy to put the blog up and take it down before anyone would know.

Here he attacks Bob and Kay Knight, demeaning their criticism of the hospital's plan to throw an architectural design together and hope that the monies from the community would pay for it. In the end, the community was eventually told that the money would not have been enough to complete the project, or a plan that couldn't be completed.

The email, the blog, and the photo

----- Original Message -----
From: Jamison
To: Laura Hart
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: did you...

You mean I slave every day writing this stuff, working my fingers to the bone, trying to keep the public informed of the facts, all the facts, and nothing but the facts, and your not even reading it? Lets just say... certain members of hospital management sometimes refer to me as "Huevos Maximus". It was on the website for two days.


(This fake resolution below was created by a friend of Jamison's and also the husband of former board member, JoAnn Jones. Jones husband ran for the board and lost, but was apparently busy doing some fun photoshop work for Mr. Jamison.)
Resolution No. 07-01

WHEREAS, the Board recognizes the diligence of Mr. Knight in pursuing his mission to curtail the financial viability of the district, even in the face of the reprehensibly honest, above board and competent tactics of the remainder of the Board and district administration to neutralize the harmful effects of Mr. Knight’s actions.

WHEREAS, the Board applauds Mr. Knight’s actions to defeat Measure M. While some would characterize those actions as evidence of a weak character, smarmy disingenuousness and a predilection towards self serving unethical behavior, the Board recognizes Mr. Knight’s laudable motivation: he did it for the district staff. Mr. Knight, and only Mr. Knight, recognized the unacceptable negative impact the passage of Measure M, and the threatening 21st Century medical treatments and practitioners that passage would bring, could have on staff.

WHEREAS, the Board recognizes the foresight of both Mr. and Mrs. Knight to enhance the friction between the minority of board members and district administration by promising district funds to purchase the votes of district staff for Mrs. Knight.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED by the Board of Directors of the Kern Valley Health Care District as follows:

Section 1. Recitals. All of the foregoing recitals are true.

Section 2. Dedication of New Acute Care and Emergency Services Wing. The Board does hereby order and request that the extant Acute Care and Emergency Services building be razed, and replaced by a facility that reflects the positive contribution that the Knights have and will make to the betterment of the district. Further, this new facility is ordered to be dedicated as the “Bob and Kay Knight Acute Care and Emergency Services Wing of the Kern Valley Hospital”. An artist conception of this new wing is attached.

Next up: Jamison brings former CEO, Pamela Ott, onto the radio show for an hour while she explains that she knew that medications were properly administered, as there were "bubble wrap" containers left over, meaning to the top administrator of a public healthcare district that was good enough for her to see an empty container lying about or in the trash. I guess solid proof of the medications were given safely and properly.
We wanted equal time and wrote a request to the owner for that time that Ott was allowed on the radio to make her last stand at Jamison's "tower of power."
I call it Jamison, but the responsibility for truth in news and radio would be the owner's themselves as well, as they did nothing to stop the conflict of interest and the defaming practices.
Then the story gets more graphic and moves on to when I had asked for a job at the station, but got the run around, along with some unwanted attention.
The QAB and Bob Jamison story begins as we have a date in small claims court here in the valley coming up soon. And the Kern Valley Sun Newspaper story will begin as we will be seeing them in court too. It's the year of accountability...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Part One: Breaking News: A new political spin on the Kern Valley Healthcare District Case? Who is Donald Etra and how did ABC get involved? And some background...

The KVHD "elder abuse" case and the ABC News media abuse case

In the last four years of this investigation into the wrongdoings at the Kern Valley healthcare district which includes not only elder abuse (which is a general term not specific to chemical restraints), but other crimes such as "Brown Act" violations by three members of the board of directors; targeting employees for unwarranted termination because they wanted to tell the truth about the elder abuse caused by short staffing and peculiar new drugs being used by the Director of Nursing; a previous policy that reduced staff and pay leaving the skilled nursing facility understaffed and overworked (and patients underfed and underweight, according to government documents); use of the only local radio outlet to disseminate falsehoods regarding the situation at the hospital by a board member and disc jockey and CEO; a CEO without proper credentials who was in charge and giving orders to the management of the nursing facility; same CEO, Pamela Ott, misrepresented her credentials, claiming to be a nurse practitioner; threats from the CEO, Ott and board member, radio jock, Bob Jamison, (running off the ABC logo) of lawsuits against all who disagreed; malicious defamation, lies and deceit round off the list of incredible truths the have taken place in our rural, public hospital.

(Phhhew! That's some list for you, and I even left a few things out for brevity sake.)

Recently ABC News took up their own story of the Kern Valley Healthcare District, running a national news story on the day that defendants in the "elder abuse" criminal case went to court last week, Jan. 5, in the Kern County Superior Court.

It was simply a continuance of the matter last week in court as one of the defendants changed attorneys in the case and needed time to catch up on events, so the date was pushed out until March 9.

But as nothing is as it seems in this case, the attorney for Dr. Hoshang Pormir in the criminal matter is now not just any attorney, but we have a political celebrity in our midst with Donald Etra.

(Yeah, me too, I didn't know who Etra was and even went on to make a few cute remarks about his name, extra and et cetera, and even commented that he must be really "high powered" if he uses an "AOL" email address.)

That was until I received an email with a story about our new player. (I'm really good at looking stupid, so this is nothing new for me.)

As I gazed upon a picture of Donald Etra and his wife, Paula, posing at Camp David with friends, George and Laura Bush, I knew this was going to get even stranger. I closed the email and began my own search which lead me to several articles and even a site called "mucketymucks" which links celebrities to other people, like Etra is linked to Snoopdog and Fran Drescher too. (weee..)

More interesting is Etra's politics which he is purported to have called himself a liberal democrat. Not unusual except that he is supposedly a good friend and supporter of conservative democrat, George W. Bush.

He was a consumer advocate working as Ralph Nader's attorney, according to several of the articles I have read so far. (Interesting that he would be on this side of the case as a consumer advocate, but Mr. Etra is also known for defending death row criminals, according to background information contained on several different internet sites.)

Politics has come to this case, but it is bigger than I thought, as it would be very easy, or I should say, is easy to get your name out there on a "shock value" story such as the one being told by the attorney general of the state of California, Jerry Brown.

Could our elder abuse case get him elected to the governor's mansion? Again?

However, let's start with some background on the case, unlike ABC news, which we will deal with shortly, so we can catch up to this ever changing story which is occurring right now, not almost four years ago Diane Sawyer...

Jerry Brown's scare job on chemical restraints

As some know, the use of psychotropic medications sometimes referred to as, "chemical restraints" when used in an institutionalized setting, are really two different issues entirely.

Psychotropic drugs are not unusual to find in nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, try calling around, they are part of the arsenal against the horrible nature of some of the geriatric illnesses such as Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's disease, and other disorders which can make the elderly patients altered, frightened, and uncomfortable emotionally and physically.

And then you have the issue of medicating "violent" patients who are unaware in their psychosis that they are acting out and hurting staff and other patients. It's not really the patient him or herself, it's the diseases of age or injury which turn loving spouses, parents, grandparents, into raging, violent, out of control and sometime dangerous people.

It's a tough call as to how to treat these patients so they have their dignity, compassion and effective care for the last part of their lives.

Anyone who has had to take care of a grandparent or parent or even in certain cases younger people who have brain injuries or degenerative diseases, knows that it is a full time job and nothing about it is ever perfect.

My grandmother turned very violent, breaking windows, attacking people, and was too much for us to handle at home. We tried for a time, but it became dangerous for all involved.

So, we took my violent grandmother to a facility where she could be monitored and live peacefully with caring and professional people helping us with the situation.

She was immediately put on a drug, not used in this case, but one that could make people wonder if it was not a chemical restraint, "Haldol," which is an antipsychotic, not used much anymore, as newer, safer, drugs have come along to replace that generation of drugs.

My grandmother responded well to the drug, and was no longer violent, but was much more sleepy and tired but even occasionally smiled. My grandmother it was later found had Alzheimer's.

I'm glad they gave her the drugs, they made the last obviously horrible part of her life more tolerable. I would rather have seen her sleep then grapple with her invisible demons which would set her off into fear and violence.

The situation was though that my grandmother was 92 years old, and the drugs were going to have an effect which may have shortened her life. She lived to be 102 years old, ten years after she was psychotic and put on antipsychotic drugs.

We made that choice. I call it a choice as there is little alternative out there, but we knew and accepted the situation.

The choices are slim, and must be well thought out by a combination of family and medical staff working together to make the last days, months or years, (sometimes people live a long time in a vegetative state due to illnesses like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.) as pleasant as they can be for "all" involved.

At KVHD there were no choices

But such as what happened here at the Kern Valley Healthcare District in 2006 was a breakdown in management systems, because the leader, the CEO, the administrator who signed off on the skilled nursing facility, did not have the background to be running that operation.

In fact, the credentials we have found to be true and correct, is that the CEO, Pam Ott, had a current registered nursing license in California which came from a Fresno City College degree she received, which was an AA, back in 1971.

Not only were the systems outdated and the procedures in place ineffective at the beginning of 2006, but families were being pushed out, not allowed to know what exactly was going on. They weren't given their choices.

It's not just about chemical restraints

A chemical restraint would be a medicine which reduces a patient's psychosis or altered thinking and behavior, thus allowing the patient more freedom from the symptoms and obviously allowing them the chance to be more interactive and even potentially able to help themselves again.

However, these drugs or any drugs should not to be used as a babysitter, which is what is being claimed in the criminal case here in the Kern River Valley.

In April of 2006, four months before the investigate period by the California Department of Justice, which includes August 2006 until January 2007, the Kern Valley Healthcare District was cited by investigators in the nursing center's annual survey by the Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services, CMS, for using "physical" restraints on the residents.

But that claim was not as ominous as the results of what was happening in the nursing center before the six month time period delineated by the Department of Justice, DOJ, office of Medi-cal fraud and elder abuse.

Months before the August start date of abuse (I guess that's what the state might call it) there is paperwork indicating the nursing center is short staffed, not fulfilling it's nurse to patient ratios, which obviously would cut back on the ability of the unit to properly monitor it's patients.

Indeed that was the case, as residents had lost significant amounts of weight, and were even noticeably dehydrated by the investigators from public health who do the annual evaluations for CMS on nursing centers.

(There are many pages from these reports on this blog. Please look up short staffing and physical restraints, it will give background, and actual documentation)

The administrators of the skilled nursing facility were also being questioned in April of 2006, as Pam Ott, CEO, did not have a Nursing Administrator's license, and indeed she did not need one in a facility where the nursing facility is part of the hospital.

But public health pushed that issue and Ott sent the inquiry to the hospital's board attorney, Scott Nave, who came back with the answer that Ott indeed didn't have to have those credentials to sign off as administrator of the SNF.

Ott, in a letter she signed to CMS, indicates that she is "not" the person in charge of the nursing facility: the person in charge is Sharon Brucker, RN, and former Cheif Nursing Officer.

Brucker has not been charged in the elder abuse case, though Ott was a late arrival, being brought in six months after the initial arrests of three defendants, a doctor, pharmacist and director of nursing, and according to the press office for the DOJ, the investigations are on-going.

You must have a DON

One of the corrections public health demanded of the hospital early in 2006, was the need for a Director of Nursing for the nursing home portion of the hospital.

At this point, according to employees of the time period in 2005/06, the previous director of nursing, who seemed to be well liked by the employees, left the employ of the hospital because of a disagreement he had with the CEO, Ott, and the Cheif Financial Officer, Chet Beedle, over paycuts and staffing problems.

Now this is according to several nurses who worked with this DON at the time, not from the hospital or the DON himself.

The hospital did not have Director of Nursing for the SNF, so public health insisted that KVHD hire one.

And Lucy Miller was transferred into the nursing center a week later.

Ott signed off that the hospital was in compliance by bringing in a DON.

Miller, didn't stay long, just long enough to comply with the state and federal mandates from the annual survey.

An ad in the classifieds

Miller left, or actually changed jobs within the hospital, and an ad came out shortly after, for a Director of Nursing for the SNF.

We, the media, the board of directors, heard that there was a new DON ready to take charge of the skilled nursing facility, Ott announced we were waiting and very excited about our new acquisition.

"She has more than 30 years with geriatric experience," Ott told us, and we were impressed.

In August of 2006, our new DON, came on, her name is Gwen Hughes. She is now charged with eight counts of elder abuse 368 B (1) and two counts of assault which was a result of medicating a resident against her will.

But in August 2006, Hughes was the hero, coming into a nursing center which had been recently beaten up by the state investigators over the use of the physical restraints, the short staffing, the lack of monitoring the weights of the patients, and even a few issues regarding medications, psychotropic.

"We are so lucky to get her," Ott told me as I was introduced to Hughes, who was in a wheelchair, and rather quiet as I asked some simple questions, like "what brings you to our little town?"

Hughes told us she had polio at one point in her life, but was still able to walk without her wheelchair, so we should not think it a miracle if she arose and began walking.

In conversations which were to follow the thing we kept hearing about Hughes from our CEO, (who herself, had funny credentials from a diploma mill called Kennedy/Western University, an on-line program, unaccredited, and not accepted in California,) was that Hughes was an expert in "geriatric medications."

(Now, how would she know an expert?)

Part two: the IDT team

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Is this the seal of approval on Mr. Jamison's blogs ABC Radio Network?

I must say it makes me laugh that at the end of every blog, ABC has it's EEO, equal employment opportunity posted, and I think, yes, you must be extra equal to allow Mr. Jamison to post above your insignia.

Don't blame me, I didn't even know about the ABC story: everyone who has read this blog knows I wouldn't have endorsed that crap

Well, thanks Diane Sawyer and ABC news for making my night:

Yes, it was Kern Valley Healthcare District board meeting night, and the phone was ringing off the hook at home as I was trying to get ready to leave for the meeting.

And you want to know who these callers were? They were people who thought I knew or orchestrated the weak, at best, attempt at a story done by ABC "WORLD" news tonight, they have more credibility than the lone blogger.

I'm sorry that anyone would even question it, but no, as I described in a post below, oddly enough, I had to call the television stations to find out what happened, as none of my team made it to the ballpark, and I was hoping for the scoop on what happened in court.

Not strange now, but none of the other stations were in court, and 23 had some interest in "my" interest in the case. But never told me about the Diane Sawyer version that was to come.

If I had known I certainly would have questioned what they were doing. I assumed a local take on the court date, not a retrospective.

Instead, my stepfather, in a different state and time zone caught the news and said our local story had gone national. He didn't elaborate on the story except that he caught a glimpse of the "Jerry's story" soundbite from the attorney general's office where this investigation emenated, and a picture of the hospital in "Lake Isabella." (How it got to Isabella nobody knows, but we do have a penchant for mobile things, homes, mammography, around here.)

So, to clarify, I had nothing to do with this story, and do not condone "using" people to fill a minute of time in a news show. We are not fluff.

If it had been done with some new information, and maybe a touch of class, or even a graphic or two, it may have had the potential to be helpful. Instead the misinformation in the story outweighed any significant assistance the news organization could have actually been to our situation, which I might add continues on.

It's not over, but the only story they ever run is what happened three years ago, within a six month period. And words were used like "intentionally overdosing" patients. Hmm, there seems to be a discrepancy somewhere as there was not an issue of overdosing per say, as there was an issue of the type of drugs used.

But who am I to quibble with such accuracy.

And Pam Ott, the CEO, with the funny credentials, doesn't even get a dishonorable mention. As if she never mistreated families of victims or fired employees who attempted to stop the situation. (That's not interesting at all is it?)

They lost their chance to be effective and helpful.

And they didn't show up for the  meeting. Yes, that's correct the ABC news affiliate in Bakersfield, Channel 23, where the story from last night's ABC elder abuse scare (they could've called it, "slipping mickey's to Grandma" if they wanted to) orginated, did not attend our current meeting.

Umm, what happened? Are we a one night stand? I thought you cared about us, our community. But it seems not. You tell stories we believe you, or at least people outside the situation who know absolutely nothing, believe you.

Anyway, please don't think I did this, it's embarrassing. And I'm sorry I had no time to address this before it happened.

We have more issues to deal with like the board member, who is unfit for his elected position, Bob Jamison, and his saga with using a radio outlet with no competitors to broadcast propaganda about serious health and safety issues at the hospital he was elected to represent in an honest fashion. (That's not interesting either?)

And major issues with our hospital, it's longevity, it's staying power...more to follow.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

ABC radio news: They say they didn't know what KVHD board member, Bob Jamison, was they do

Dismantling the "tower of power"
After years of reporting Kern Valley Healthcare District's board member, and our valley's only radio station, QAB, DJ and talk show host, Bob Jamison  to several agencies including the FCC (federal communications commission), for his repeated attempts to use the radio station to cover the public safety problems at the hospital.

But his use of the airwaves and being the only true "local radio outlet" made him powerful and dangerous as he was allowed to use the airwaves for his election campaign, his defamation of local citizens, and to lie about a public safety, health, issues.

Jamison didn't stop there as we know, he attacked all of us who knew the truth and disagreed with him.

He slandered employees of the hospital on the air. (Hard to believe, but true)

He attacked good people in the community who were trying to help. (one person happened to be "woman of the year.")

But he was viscious to the other board members he disagreed with, Robert and Kathryn Knight who were called many things, and posted defamatory blogs on his website about them, and then would pull the blog down in a "peekaboo" manner to avoid detection. (I'm not making this up, it's all true and I can prove it)

He allowed the phony balogney, Ott, to use an hour of air time to overtly lie to the community about the deaths and dangerous conditions occurring in the nursing center at the hospital. That was not right, Jerry Brown, Attorney General, who almost made the same mistake in trusting Ott.

The attorney general has not even realized that obstruction like Jamison did on the radio, kept this case and witnesses from coming forward. So, how are you going to help us with this problem Jerry Brown? (Don't be afraid of Jamison just because he's a republican; Jerry you're smarter than he is, we need your help in closing down that pipeline of slander and deceit.)

And his favorite target, I guess because I'm the scariest of them all, is me.

He used the station to attack me. He apparently thinks this behavior is okay. I am not giving up until this is over and the outlet is either closed down out of disgrace or they lose their license for unethical behavior.

But two years later, when I finally got around to putting up the blog, he wasn't so pleased. He can dish it out, but cannot take it.

He likes to tell others that the emails he sent me early on when he acted as friend and potential employer (we will get into the sexual harassment aspect of this as well in another post soon. Some will be at the meeting tonight) are made up or tampered with.

I assure you the only reason I still have MSN as my internet provider is that they can verify that I did nothing to these emails and they indeed did eminate from the Jamison IP address. We have them backed up of course, but the carrier is a better witness.

He doesn't get it, he thinks the power is his and the radio station will do his bidding...

Mr. Jamison I'm sure doesn't realize that we have been taping his talk shows for some time now, and plan on giving these tapes over to the only people who seem to care that a radio DJ slandered and dashed us all for the sake of his cover up: ABC radio news.

After years of calling government agencies to help stop the insanity here in the Kern River Valley, we were laughed at by Jamison and those at QAB who would not listen when we asked repeatedly that Mr. Jamison stop his private use of the radio airwaves.

Nobody cared, the owner Anthony Bohn, didn't care. And the fact is he told someone that the reason Jamison is still with the station is that he is the only one who knows how to do the engineering. (sad excuse I would say for a media outlet which could help it's community and not lie to it. That's why we are going to court next month. I want to hear them answer to this.)

ABC radio news we tried to tell you too

I spoke with ABC radio news today and told them that we have a problem with one of your ABC news affiliates here in our hidden valley ranch dressing (sorry I'm hungry) where information is scarce and one radio station owns the airwaves.

I explained that we have been recording the infamous Bob Jamison and have all his blogs he put up on the station's website which reflects on the ABC radio news name.

They now know there is a problem and I am in the midst of supplying them with all the evidence of what one man can do with his "tower of power" to a community. None of it good.

We can only hope the days of the reign of power by these small minded folks from the media will end, and a new way of reporting and journalism will emerge because of it.

But no more Mr. Jamison, no more. See you tonight with your own emails.

Board meeting 5:30 pm in the hospital cafeteria.

I miss the toughness and integrity of 60 minutes: Diane Sawyer allows hack job of Kern Valley Healthcare District elder abuse Story (national but not helpful, thanks for trying)

ABC World News Tonight: sounds good

(I still remember the hayday of 60 minutes, the CBS masterpiece of television journalism, how about you Diane Sawyer?)
We were happy to hear that the story at the Kern Valley Healthcare District was being covered nationally, but that was short-lived as the majority of those who watched it shared with me they were disturbed.

"They don't even know the truth and that is why the media is as screwed up as it is."

"I can't believe they did it again."

"You're right, TV can't really cover this story."

After hours of talking and then reading some emails, I began to realize that ABC World News tonight really did nothing to help our situation here in the Kern River Valley, nor were they able to really get a handle on the story. And the may have even hurt us by coming in at the end basically and using year old footage.

The story eminates from channel 23 in Bakersfield, the local ABC affiliate, much like the only radio station in our mountain town, QAB, is also an ABC news affiliate.

The irony here lies in that ABC news, it could be argued, is a co-conspirator in the elder abuse case.

My argument would be that I personally, and I know directly that others have contacted agencies such as the FCC and ABC news and QAB to complain about the behavior of Disc Jockey and "KVHD" board member, Bob Jamison, in regards to keeping the truth of the circumstances at the hospital from the public.

Which I think makes it a conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

Charged with eight counts of elder abuse, and the last defendant to be charged "thus far" (I hope anyway) in the case, former CEO, Pam Ott, was allowed an almost solid hour (meaning advertisements were purposefully reduced) to make her case with Board member Jamison's blessing.

So, we, the community, the public in general, did not know to what extent the situation at the hospital had degraded.

By this time, I know of one for certain, family that was paid off and took money to be quiet.

Yes, the district paid off a family, a small sum to go away and not let this mess get out to the public.

But when it did, the media, QAB and even the local newspaper, were allowing misinformation, and focusing on what they thought would help (help keep their advertising contract I'm sure) the hospital.

You cannot allow a hospital overrun by criminal and unethical behaviors/activities to be removed of a few and leave the top layer over the rest with no recourse.

We were warned

There was a whistle, a horn, a scream, and then a crashing noise as all of this took place between late 2006 and early 2007.

I'm here because one of the media outlets flat out lied, and the other could not bring itself to understand the problems and give it the coverage it needed.

I'm here because the attorney general had the former CEO, with diplomas from Kennedy/Western University (google that or just look at the post of her whole resume) and emails misrepresenting her credentials. Any rookie human resources clerk could catch that.

I'm still here because the county DA didn't want to get into this morass of small town politics.

I'm still here because people still need help and the truth has not finished surfacing. And I won't be going away anytime soon it seems. As there have not been others willing to step up and take on this crooked situation.

Did your story help us? Then what was it for?

We are quick to beat up on the media, and truly they do need some good wake up calls. But for the most part the media want to report as best as the type of media they utilize can support.

A television station cannot handle a complex story such as the one that has occurred here on the five o'clock news unless it becomes a series, drawn out to allow time for interviews and facts, allowing the viewer to have enough information to decide on their own what has happened.

I could suggest a few segments for television which would cover our story:
"Financial policy leads to short staffing a nursing center potentially causing patient harm. The on-going Kern Valley Healthcare District case."

Then they could add a story on corporate tyrranny and use the KVHD managers and a few board members as examples. "What to do when your manager is doing something illegal: the whistleblower act."

Another, why people are frightened enough to do things they normally wouldn't do?

The list goes on and on, as there are many layers to this situation, and so much to be learned by us all.

Point is there is a lot of material in this story, so which do you do? All of it, of course. Leave nothing out. It's too vitally important.

I'm here to help bring about true change and hopefully watch justice happen in my lifetime. Though I recieved a few exasperated emails tonight from those who just want this to end. Some are families of the nursing center residents and others are just involved somewhere.

I hope that there are those who are redeemed from this horrible situation, as it changed all our lives who are and were involved.

Channel 23 I believe you should make your way up here tonight, at 5:30 pm for the board of director's meeting. It is time for the media to help out, we would appreciate it.

You could help get the truth, "the dam truth" out there. Because that is what our job is about.

A story with a juicy Jerry Brown soundbite is tempting, but that was old news, and he has reiterated the exact same message without elaboration.

I'd like to ask him why or how Pam Ott ever got on the witness list. What drugs were the investigators on when they did that? Psychotropics?

And really I want to know why the rest of the notables, some still stuck at the hospital, are not being at least reprimanded. Maybe not elder abuse, but lot's of obstruction took place, and truthfully, some of it, not so long ago.

So, the media who covered this need to ask themselves if they did this to shock us and make us tingly or to help?

I know that the story contained an interview with the "former" attorney for Dr. Hoshange Pormir, a long time doctor in the valley, from Lebeau and Thelan, about how Dr. Pormir supposedly feels about the drugs which were administered.

I know Dr. Pormir probably didn't appreciate that interview as today in court, the date was continued until March 9, 2010, because he has a new attorney, Donald Etra, from Los Angeles.

That was a very self serving interview I believe, and even more so, it may have damaged Dr. Pormir's case as I saw no reason that he should reveal anything as to the direction his client or his defense is taking the case.

That was a bad and damaging interview.

What happened in court:

It was a strange morning as I struggled to get out of bed, and my camera person had a car breakdown, and my friend hit traffic in the canyon because of road work, and none of us made it to the church on time to see the three defendants.

But I decided to make a call to channel 17, KGET, and then 29 to see if they had covered the case. No.

Unhappy, I decided off chance, though I had not talked to them before as I have the others, to call channel 23, an ABC news affiliate.

I got someone on the news tip line, and asked if they went to court. Yes. I thought great. I was told that it was continued until the ninth of March as a new attorney, Donald Etra, had come on for one of the defendants, he couldn't tell me which one.

I thanked him for the info and then he asked me who I was. I said, I'm Laura Hart, and not hearing a shriek, I continued on to say I am the reporter who was the first investigator on site in the matter and staying on until it's properly and justly settled.

He didn't tell me about the story that was to run later on both the local and national news, but asked me some more questions. I told all he needed to know about me was on my blog: google me I told him. (sounds kind of kinky now that I say it that way)

Anyway, news guy  then thanks me and asks me for my name and number, basically because of my winning personality I'm sure, to catch up later.

Then I try to find this attorney locally, and the name, "Etra" sounds both like "extra" and etcetera" which seemed odd.

So, I call back the newsguy at 23, and just for kicks have him restate the name so I know it's not in my mind, and I dyslexically wrote it down.

He reassured me on the name and so then I looked it up and reassured myself by calling the courthouse to verify the name.

It may not be exciting, but basically, the case was continued, new lawyer needs time to catch up on the situation, and we will see where they are at in March.

There maybe more...I'm still poking around.

Civil case, in Shepter vs. KVHD, they're arguing the statute of limitations law which allows the government entity, say the healthcare district, to be informed that they are going to be sued six months after the injury or death took place. That is in California, other states are even more restrictive.

KVHD is arguing the Shepter case, one of the victims listed in the criminal matter, that they didn't file on time.

These short statute laws offer a kind of protection to the government entities, as many times the people who have injuries or lawsuits are unable to collect or even be heard as they may not have filed on time. The lawsuit could be dropped or not even started based on this shorter than average time frame, statute of limitations.
Tonight: board meeting 5:30 pm in the hospital cafeteria. Please attend as the meetings become more and more important. The auditor will be here, to give his perspective on all things financial. But I want to remind those who attend: this auditor has been doing the districts books for many years, Rick Jackson. And the thing I would like to see happen would be a thorough, forensic audit.

Anyone can take someone else's numbers and say they look all right: but when you actually have receipts, bills, cheques, that is far more invasive and thorough. Yes, costly, but I bet we find more money than not, as billing is behind a few years.

See you there...

Monday, January 4, 2010

KVHD Elder Abuse case scheduled Jan. 5: we will get you the report

If it's rotten at the top...

Former Kern Valley Healthcare District, CEO, Pam Ott, is scheduled in court today, Jan. 5, along with the Director of nursing she hired, Gwen Hughes, and a doctor who had been with the district ten years before Ott even arrived, Dr. Hoshang Pormir.

For more information on the times and charges, go to the Kern County Superior court link, and you can look up the criminal as well as certain civil cases that are underway or have concluded.

Pam Ott, who seems to be the last defendant charged by the state, Medi-cal fraud and elder abuse, as well as spending time under the scrutiny of the board of registered nursing.

Ott was hired on in 2003 as the CEO of the KVHD hospital. Her resume showed two obviously, had someone actually looked at it, degrees from a school not even accredited in the state.

But that major flaw that the board of director's and former CEO, David Green, from BRIM management company, brought in around 2000, after the  board negated a contract with William Casey who was thrust upon the district by our creditor, Cal Mtg.

After Green streaked out of here leaving Ott in charge of the henhouse, things slowly but surely began to change.

The Ott regime has been dilineated on this blog, but again, the day before we head back to court I can't help wondering why there wasn't more that was taken off the top?

The people in charge at the time were all mandated reporters, meaning they would have had to turn themselves in for ignoring serious problems caused by staffing cuts which lead to unsafe conditions.

We had Ott at the top of administration, the CEO, and the one who signed the reports for the skilled nursing facility: the very same one she claims she knew nothing about what they were really doing in there. (Hey, she signed these forms as administrator, not as "I guess that's what they're doing.")

Her second in command, former Chief Nursing Officer, Sharon Brucker, was so close to the situation, knew and heard all the complaints, and finally succumbed to the paranoia brought on by Ott's fear that someone, anyone, a sick reporter, may find out.

Brucker was involved in a coupe against the hospital's own employees. Like CFO, Chet Beedle, and Human Resources leader, Michelle Rosato, all "top guns," who broke the privacy laws by trying to impugn the reputations of certain employees who didn't agree with them. (later it would be the firing squad as times got more desperate.)

Ott, Brucker, Beedle, Rosato: CEO, CNO, HR, knew nothing about what was happening in the skilled nursing facility? The top administrators?

But what about the board of directors whom this community votes into place, the one's who are to keep the people, voters, patients, rights overseen, were cramped up into a ball of three out of five. (the sticky three, a quorum in a five person board)

Bob Jamison defended Ott even after her resignation. He used the radio station, his employer, and formerly paid for advertisements by KVHD, to defend Ott.

Former board member, Barbara Casas was apparently unaware that Ott was calling her "crazy" and other names behind her back, (I have emails) as she was used basically for the third vote.

And Brad Armstrong, what can you say about somebody who has the opportunity to save lives and careers but does nothing but attack the victims? His message hasn't changed: the employees are and were the problem. (I disagree. He allowed the problem to continue and created a hostile environment where the truth that the CEO, CNO, CFO, and HR were involved was not to be spoken without recourse)

How to get fired or get a reputation: by KVHD employees

I remember the nurse who wrote this very well. She came to me after she was fired, because there was nobody out there who came to help.

We were alone in our investigation. Yes, it was reported to many agencies, whom I will call soon, because as I said, this is the year of "accountability."

Public health didn't just recieve one phone call, no matter what they try to sell you, they just didn't know how bad it really was and they had a very persuasive CEO, in Ott, to deal with.

The Kern County Grand Jury didn't think much of our situation here either.

Oh, and the media, well, they weren't going to cut their own purse strings, and some were bold enough to lie and dupe anyone who would listen.

This nurse knew that Ott was aware of the situation. Why? Because she was one of many who complained. She was fired.

I'm a nurse practitioner and I can help you

In November of 2006, one month after I had a sudden weight loss which never resolved, I had to tell my "friend" at the time, Pam Ott, that I had a nightmare experience in the emergency room.

I went in seeking "food" but intravenously, because I was wasting away. Instead I got loaded full of drugs which "blacked me out." (we will address the irony of this situation in another blog, Rural Health Clinic, Jewel of the District)

Unfortunately, they sent me home intoxicated and driving by myself. I don't rememeber how I got home. I was alarmed.

So, I told Ott what had happened, and now began a whole new round of trying to help me, checking on what I'm eating, making referrals with doctors inside the hospital so I don't get too excited and tell someone about what happened.

In this email to me from Ott, she tells me that she wants to help me get better, and that she was a "very good nurse practitioner" at one time.

Ott, according to state records, has a registered nursing license she recieved from Fresno city college in 1971, but she was not a nurse practitioner.

So, what does that make her telling me she was a nurse practitioner? A liar, yes, but also someone who would say and do anything to cover thier own butt. Who would openly lie about credentials as Ott did?

And the state almost left her behind in this investigation. Jerry, Steve, Donny, she is the one you want to prosecute, the one to put in front of a jury.

But I am dissappointed that you didn't take the top layer. You have done so in many cases coming through on your public relations pipeline: why not us? This is a form of the corporate fraud you like to tangle with. Or get money from or something like that.

As you  can see I continued the effort to unveil Ott, but I also stay on here at the hospital waiting to unveil the rest your "big time attorney general's office" chooses to ignore.

No, no, it's okay, I'll finish your work for you. If you're too afraid to get mixed up with obvious wrongdoing, I guess we will fend for ourselves.

I'm taking one of them, Bob Jamison, to small claims next month, and then I guess you will just have to wait and see what I do next.

See you in court...