Frankly Scarlett I don’t give a Dam (the lake Isabella dam that is)
I thought I would begin this diatribe with a few notes of humor, as I think there are few residents here in the Kern River Vaelly who think of the idea of TAKING over the valley, it’s roads, it’s water, it’s sense of dignity, as an “improvement Project. “
Last night, I took time to go to the meeting of the Lake Isabella Dam Project, presented by the “Dam Task Force.”
This team of locals are volunteering to step in between a Federal case of “theft of land and resources” lead by the Army Corps of Engineers and Congressman Kevin McCarthy and our local community.
Brave souls or misguided? You answer the question. Lol
There are many details to this plan, but then there is a MISSING detail, called an INDEPENDENT STUDY.
To me, this is vital and the rest is a crime. Until such information is provided and provided with some OUTSIDE oversight, there is NOTHING, not a DAM thing to argue about. Do not proceed do not pass go...
I got the distinct impression that task force was willing to cow tow to government officials and audience members were struggling to form adequate arguments and questions in hopes of being heard.
The audience included people who are about to be looking at losing their homes, it’s called: EMINENT DOMAIN. This means these big, baddies from the Washington DC, entitlement programs, Otherwise known here as “High paid welfare recipients” want the land and will TAKE it.
As most people recognize, our property values, fell the moment this Plan to dam our community was simply uttered. Our peace of mind along with it.
I have served the question to Congressman McCarthy and his staff, Senator Jean Fuller’s Staff, and eventually to anyone who may BENEFIT from this DAM SCAM or who has taken an OATH to represent the local residents.
I’m going to make this short and bitter, as sweet is the deal these “Welfare from Washington” types love in terms of POOLS of money.
Big money, half a billion?
Well, that is the estimate, but here’s a quick idea of how this money is spent. It’s already incurred nearly 40 MILLION in costs.
Forty Million and yet there is not a blink a flinch, from anyone.
Umm, is this is your moment of Zen? Think on it, a couple years of testing, a meeting here, there and before you know it, you spend FORTY MILLION DOLLARS…lol
But in the end of the plan to supposedly protect the city of Bakersfield, and portions of Lake Isabella, from a “POssible” DAM age seismically it is presumed, this plan includes the Message: SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
I’m assuming that means every promise, every item, falls into the wash if these denizens of democracies dark side have anything they would wish to add, subtract, or otherwise control.
This is a FULL blown take over of the valley.
I am expected to trust in this project, yet, they are NOT willing to put their own Specifications, their own Theories to the TEST with an independent study?
The age of austerity is only for the poor, the disabled, the suffering, the uninsured, the unemployed, the under employed, elderly, disabled, hungry, children, ETC… but there is money in these here hills, I guess is the best way to describe this INVASION of the KRV.
However, let me voice another concern I picked up on during this meeting: it’s not my problem.
As residents of a trailer park destined to be a former trailer park, spoke of their plight, their fears of relocating, I could not help but SENSE a certain “Classist” attitude, rearing it’s ugly head.
I am sure those who read this blog, know I am for fair play, an empowerment of our fellow man, and this is not what I am feeling is happening here.
The attitude of attracting “better” people, meaning they have more money and nicer houses, makes me cringe, and it does not deserve a voice.
Yes, this already does not seem to bring out the best in those who are involved in the resistance.
But questions were raised in the audience that test the numbers and charts and graphs that are being used to support this project.
I applaud all who are unwilling to be spoon fed numbers, from eager beavers from the top of the political food chain. Thank you.
Again, there is a serious problem here. And one that will be addressed. Those questions of accountability of the facts of this situation, will be pushed off the edge of my blog.
The plan includes also, a REROUTE of highways 178 and 155, with the promise, subject to change of course, to include alternative routes.
This is to be done as early as 2013. (What a deal hey?)
So, top of the list:
I could go on about how the locals will not be beneficiaries of jobs or receive other favorite status, but it’s enough, the top three here are plenty to go on.
More to follow.
(I am building my own Dam project. It’s called damning those who would do this…lol.)
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