Persistance and Tenacity, requires a new chapter, a new beginning....

Monday, September 3, 2012

Kern Valley Healthcare DIStrict Board of Directors MEEting: SEPT. 5, 2012

This WEek the Kern Valley Healthcare D"istrict in it's Transparent Monthly meeting forum, Will be bringing news to it's valley residents and Patient pool, the new Salary Increase for KVHD CEO, Timothy McGlew.

McGlew, who came to the Kern River Valley, following the sudden resignation of former CEO, and avid "solitaire" fan, Rick Carter, who resigned shortly into his Kern River Valley career, and Salary, with benefits including Travel, planes, trains and a Stipend for lunch.

When Residents thought the 175K a year salary given Carter for his time at the Helm of KVHD, along with his Fringe benefits, would by them a grand leader,Along Came Tim MCglew, whose salary has Eclipsed them all.

This Month, McGlew will see his salary again Ascend into an Atmosphere of "AUSTERITY" every where in Goverment, EXCEPT: KVHD.

THe Ceo, MCGlew, coming from a background with the HOME FOR JEWISH PARENTS, and a Project of substantial worth, working with KVHD Debt Control PRogram, CAl MTG. who CONTROLS the Hospital's bond indenture, was FAMILiAR with McGlew. They had Worked with him on a project for the HJP, to the tune of 60 million.

Though 60 million is a STarter figure,  at the Jewish home, this was a Real figure that has been pAID out at KVHD. The tiny community hospital has paid out over 60 million on the DEBT related to the 1988, BOND INDENTURE, it was afforded by CAL MTG.

In return the community, comprised of a demographic of mostly retired persons, disabled, and elderly residents, were mired in controversy starting with a nursing Center which was projected to contain 140 beds and constructed only half that at 70, but at the twice the projected cost. Residents are repeatedly asked to BAIL out the hospital with a tax themselves measure.

BAil OUT and RAise the SAlARy in the same breath, has been the attitude of the recent regime run by Mcglew.

McGlew, has spoken of the Home for Jewish PArents construction project and his RELATIONSHIP with CAL MTG. Debt holder, however, McGlew has avoided questions as to this subject when it did not relate directly to the KVHD bailout attempted in 2010.

McGlew, and Board member, Bob Jamison, as the radio Disc JOck, took the CEO and CFO, Chet Beedle aboard his Radio talk show and Shook the town down for votes on tax "MEASURE "G" for McGlew two years ago.

Expanding the KVHD hospital has been set aside until 2014, when the hospital strategic plan has scheduled an other attempt at getting help by having local tax payers, pay more in  property taxes.

Mcglew and KVH D CFO, CHet Beedle, both, in 2010, urged community leaders to support their Measure G, and CLAIMED to have 80 percent Community support to do this. After the Ballots were counted there was a Sigh of Disbelief as the "TAX AND SNIFF" measure apparently did not appeal to local KNoses.

The CEO, will share his new salary level this week at the TRanslucent or parent or whatever, meeting.

The KVHD BOD meeting begins at 5:30 pm on WEd. Sept. 5th, in the Cafeteria.

Also, on the menu this week, is a peek a the top echelon, Who has THE STrings aNd Where Do they ATTACH ? CAL Mtg. is the Special this week, imposing a sTANdard, of DEBT resolution, that eXTends into the Future, the INTEREST goes on, at a rate we cannot afford to pay.

SEE what is new at the TOP, as CApitAL improvement, would Be approved.

CAl mtg.  and the OFFICE OF STATEWIDE heaLTHCARE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT.  AND how do they know ASPEN STreet ARchitects? And why are they hanging on to KVHD?

Inquiring minds will know, this an d more...

1 comment:

  1. I am currently going to war with this hospital over its inability to inform our low-income, underinsured and uninsured patients of AB774. I was surprised that almost no one in our neighborhood, including Department of Social Services even knows about this state law. Whoever is running this blog needs to send me an email.
