Persistance and Tenacity, requires a new chapter, a new beginning....

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Jamsion Scandal: in his words which are many

This didn't start out as an investigation, actually I was quite happy to be somnambulistic, but I woke up, of course in the middle of a nightmare.
The emails I saved over the course of years, were not intentional. If you want the truth, this simply started with sloth. I was too lazy to erase anything. I was and am sick. Then a time came, when this poor habit, would allow a story to be told, but not by me.
This will be lengthy, and much will be edited. But I will say to you now, all information is true and real, and has been and continues to be stored on CD's, DVD's, and other computers. Everything is verifiable. And certainly if certain investigators ever wanted it (not like I didn't offer) they could have it too.

I'm going to begin by saying, after I'm done with this task, I feel I must put up a post about me, I have my own dirt and responsibility, some of which you will see here. I believed in people who even offered totally bogus information and would allow me to quote them on that.

I will begin by answering a recent question coming from the Kern Valley Sun blog. The writer asks what is taking so long with this CEO thing, and how can the CFO not get tired out as both CEO/CFO.

Well, the answer it seems is that Ricky Ricardo, and his pals Fred and Ethel stole the resumes from Lucy, the whole funny game was on, as Ricky wouldn't admit he was leaving back to Cuba, and wanted to still have fun before he left. So, he had friends of Fred, lose some resumes, and Lucy was so confused she couldn't figure out what was going on. It was so funny. Oh Ricky.

Now, let's get down to business here and why the Lucy story matters. I will try to explain as the emails appear so you can follow the story.

In 2006 the hospital came up with the great Measure M obligation plan to add on to the hospital and they used their friends, Aspen Street Architects, to put together a set of plans for their new idea, which was componentized structure.

Nice, except, the plans were faulty and the whole contract with this architectural firm, had already been drawn in 2001, thru former CEO from BRIM (Cal Mtg.)Dave Green, which correspond too closely with the wife of the originator of the Rural Health Design Network.

In the RHDN pamphlet you can see we needed them here. It says they were part of the Tehachapi project! But we paid and are one of them.

But notice the board majority quickly tried to get out of that connection. But Pam Ott did not. She followed them up to Sierra King District Hospital, where they were working. Aspen Street had already started that project and I talked to the construction manager, who was already getting cost overruns. I'm sure the whole hospital is with Ott and her friends there. I wonder if I've been stretching this connection, hmm.

Anyway, we start in 2006 when Rome (the SNF) was burning and Nero was fiddling with the general obligation with me by their side.

I was being allowed to do whatever I wanted to do at the board meetings as long as I was after Bob and Kay Knight. Jamison, Ott, Casas, Beedle and I plotted to make sure the horrible designs of the Knights were never manifested.

Chairman, Brad Armstrong allowed me 20 minutes to go after the Knights, but when the truth fell on top of us, they truncated the public comment to three minutes. Sorry.

Feel free to say whatever you wish to Kay Knight during the public comment period. After giving it additional thought, it would not look good if I played the audio from the meeting for you. You can use the wireless microphone and play it from your own recorder, which by the way, would also serve as further proof that you we're really at the meeting, as the sound would be coming from your recorder.

Also do not let it disturb your consentration if you should suddenly hear me say "Oooooo Cat Fight", or "Houston... we have a problem".


(Why was this done? Because Kay Knight won a seat on the board and Measure M, by the grace of god, was defeated.)

We all missed you at the hospital board meeting.

I understand you are having a tough time, and if you need to cancel our lunch for Monday, I certainly understand. We can have lunch another time. Just take your time and recover as much as possible.

If there is anything I can do to help you in any way please let me know. Don’t be afraid to ask, or think I might be offended, you have my word I wont be.

I apologize for my e-mail remark about going postal. I was trying to make you laugh, but at the time I didn’t yet fully understand all the effects of the disease. Sorry if I offended you, I didn’t mean to.

The board meeting was pretty much the same as usual, nothing earth shattering and no smoking guns. Since Barbara Cassas was absent we tabled two contracts, Kern Valley Dispatch and QAB Media, until next month for approval due to lack of a quorum. This was done because I must abstain from voting on these contracts due to appearance of a conflict of interest. The Bohn family owns both company’s, and of course I work for QAB Media.

Well it’s after 10pm and again I haven’t even had a chance to work on tomorrow’s talk show. Hope to talk to you soon.

Bob. 9/7/2006

(Things were so out of control between the "sticky three" board members that they were obviously unafraid to just say they were manipulating the board, Brown act violations. They had total control and they have created total destruction)

Hi Laura,

Just setting here, minus the fish, thinking of you.

We received Dr. Grosses version of what he wants in a lease agreement for his building. It is quite different than what the District offered, and the Healthcare District's attorney will have to review it and make recommendations. Untill an agreement acceptable to both parties is reached, the District will continue to operate as usual, accept that it apprears Dr. Gross has hired a couple employees away from the District for his own practice. I'm certain they will do a good job for him, and the District wishes them all success with their new employer.

Valley residents, who are not at home during the day, are finding a message from me on their answering machines, encouraging them to vote YES on Measure M. Also, a letter from me has been mailed to conservative voters who still appear to be in the undecided column. Hopefully these will help insure Measure M's passage.

Well, I've got to grab a bite to eat, then get some sleep. I might need it just in case someone wants to go fishing. Goodnight !

Hi Laura,

Firstly, everything the District has done has been divulged in meetings open to the public.

Prior to construction, the Healthcare District gave Dr. Gross a "letter of intent", which is not a contract, but a document specifying the Heathcare Districts requirements which his building would have to meet before an actual lease contract could be intered into.

At present, the Dr. Gross building does not meet several requirements stated in the Healthcare District's letter of intent. A contract, based upon what portion of his building the Healtcare District can legally use, was deliverd to Dr. Gross several weeks ago. As of the last Finance Committee meeting I have yet to see a contract signed by Dr. Gross, which I assume means the contract is considered to still be under negotiation.

If, and when, a lease contract is signed between Dr's Gross and the District, the contract will then become public record as required by law. I know of nothing about measure M that would have any effect on such a contract.

There is one Board Member who appears upset that the Distrct has not agreed to rent a larger portion of the Dr. Gross building, even though much of it would not be usable by the Healthcare District. I have no idea if the Board Members wife, who is currently runing for the board, feels the same way, but irregardless, to do so would be an illegal gift of public funds.

Okay.... What other sneeky underhanded nonsense is some political hack accusing us of ?


Hi Laura,

Am leaving Sunday for Florida, not Saturday as originally planned. Saves some money.

I was a little supprised you didn't comment on info about Dr. Gross's new building, then again I remember you did say once something about your having a lot of respect for them, or perhaps it was someone in their group of friends? Either way don't be concerned about it, the Healthcare District is prepaired to deal with whatever course they choose.

How is your weekend going? I spent today taking care of final details for the trip, packing and stuff. Next stop Florida... 82 degrees, afternoon rain, cocktails on a white sandy beach, a long nap and absolutely no politics. Oh crap, I forgot, Florida voters have a tendency to riot if the chads hang. Guess I better take extra ammo, just in case.

I think I will put a blow-up of your fishing picture at the entrance to one of Florida's voting precinct's with a sign on it that reads "You Can Help Stop The Attack On Our Environment. Vote To Protect The Endangered Mouse Head Tube Fish". So... What do ya think? Hey, you did say I should do something bold ! Oh well, got to get back to packing. Talk to you latter.


(Mr. Jamison, was part of the group (the sticky three, Pam Ott, Chet Beedle and friends) trying to get out of original agreements with the Sienna Wellness clinic. I won't go into all the facts, but lawyers were involved and the sides began to split apart at the hospital. There was no more, gee, we're all friends of Measure M and the hospital; the ground began to shake.)

(This next email is revealing. This is where the employees came to the board. Names are used because they are in the records. Records that any investigator from DHS or the state or the county, could see if they were in tune with the actual job they are supposed to be doing.)

Hi Laura,

When Randy Fieber spoke at the board meeting, I thought I heard him say something like [ I want to clear up any misunderstanding, will I be fired for coming to the board with employee concerns ? ] I dont recall his exact words, but it may be available if a tape of the meeting still exists. You can check with Pam or Windy on the recording. Brad's response was "Absolutely Not".

Fieber was the spokesperson for a small group of employees who indicated they felt the hospital was not meeting the higher nurse to patient ratio's mandated earlier this year by the state, and indicated they felt a large number of employees ( 30 ) had reciently left the District to work somewhere else.

A little background info... many hospitals have been having difficulty meeting the mandated nurse to patient ratios due to the nation wide shortage of nurses. The tighter ratios were instituted when the nurses union started claiming that it was an issue of patient safety, which the politicians in Sacremento never questioned. In reality, it was a way to force hospitals to hire nurses to do the job of others who make beds, empty bed pans etc. All it really did was to raise the cost of healthcare, with no benefit to patients. That's my take on it.

Chet Beddle, through the Personnel & Policy Committee, investigated the employees claims and reported the following at a latter P&P Committee meeting. The issues with the 30 employees Randy Fieber talked about actually occured over approimately 2 1/2 years and included employees who were out on sick leave, and have returned, as well as others who still are working for the District. From a historical perspective, the report showed that the turnover ratio at Kern Valley Healthcare District, for all employee classes, is lower than both the State and National averages fot the healthcare industry.

As to nurse to patient ratios, Chet's report indicated, not a nurse to patient ratio, but a low productivity issue in one department which was making work for others more difficult.

In the other department of employees concern, the report indicated that the Districts current policy unnecessarily exceeds the required nurse to patient ratios.

Some employees have formed a committee of their own to deal with their various concerns with management. If the employees had followed the Districts "Open Door" Policy, and obtained accurate information, none of this would have happened. But... I guess when your goal is to replace the management team, there isn't much chance of that happening unless you can convience your followers that management is doing something very bad.

As to Knight being elected to the Board... Well lets just say he had a lot of help, especially from those he hired and gave very sizable salary increases, while he was CEO. The list includes some people you like, who at the time were warned that it was unethical for a District employee to campaign for a candidate for the Board. She ignored the warning and got him elected anyway. I know "she is such a wonderful person", and no one would dare talk against her publicly. Hell, some people will praise a man who hired them in a position that they were totally unqualified for, and gave them an executive grade salary to go with it?

The list of people who own him favors is long, but not nearly as long as the list of District employees who once worked even without pay to save the District while Knight was trying to force it into bankruptsy. The latter are the true hero's of the District, and I doubt you will ever know the idenity of any of them.

When Cal Mortage required the Board to get rid of Knight there was, according to someone on the Board at that time, what might be called a thinly vailed threat of a lawsuit by Mr. Knight, which resulted in a severance amount to encourage him to just go away. I dont think the Board at that time used an attorney, otherwise the language of the severance package might have included "and stay away".

Since Knight has been on the Board he has been a continuous source of irritation to many hospital employees and executives. He has on a regular basis interupted employees work to feed them mis-information in an attempt undermine management. He has repeatedly tried to force the District to pay unauthorized expences for Mrs. Knight for distant meetings.

His behavior during his six years on the Board has on several occations provocked public rebukes during Board Meetings from three other Board Members, including Barbara Casses, Joann Jones and myself. Twice, the Board has voted for Resolutions, specifically related to his behavior and unauthorized actions in defiance of District policy.

Knight personally told me, after getting our pictures taken for the hospital lobby, that he thought he should still be the CEO. Mrs. Knight told me her husband was robbed of his retirement. At that time Dave Green was the CEO.

Thats all I can think of at the moment. You should be able to varify most of this stuff through Pam or Chet. Your doing a great job. Good Luck.


(We were apparently more worried about the bond, and landing that, then what was happening in the hospital. It was all right there. The hospital does not stand without the skilled nursing facility: no SNF, no hospital: you need to get that. But apparrently getting some new depreciation and a whole new wing, at the expense of the taxpayer, and for the benefit of collateral to Cal Mtg., but with no real chance for success, they pushed at it. As did I.)

(In our struggle to stamp down Bob Knight so he wouldn't "ruin" Measure M's chances with his talk about about retrofitting the acute care and saving money. Hell, the retrofit could have been done years ago for a pittance, Bob Knight had already done the leg work. But what would retrofitting do for Cal Mtg.? They could be out of trouble totally now with the seismic if they had upgraded in 1999. So, talk to the hand, we don't want to hear about your excuse Mr. Jamison about how we are in dire straights. We are in dire straights because of bad decision making. Thanks.)

(In an effort to help the cause, I asked Jamison to let me go on the radio with Bob Knight in a debate about the hospital and the bond. Though, I was trying to get a job with Jamison on the radio, he and the group, Pam, all turned down the idea of my talking to Mr. Knight on the radio. Gee, what did they have to fear? They had fed me all the information, but were not willing to let me use it against Mr. Knight?)

Hi Laura,

I appreciate what you are trying to do, and after considering the pros and cons, I think it would be a mistake to give Mr. Knight a private forum on the talk show to spew his garbage, again with no opportunity for the District to dispute his claims. Keep in mind, if you were to become confrontational with him, you would automatically loose any claim of reporter impartiality and would appear biased against him, which in turn would likely put an end to future articles in the paper written by you.

I have no doubt that you could easily outwit him in a war of words, but he diffinately would have the upper hand in creating imaginary financial information on the fly that would be impossible to refute without extensive knowledge of the Districts long term finances. Yes its all public information, but there isn't enough time to research each of his claims while on air.

Sorry Laura, its just too risky. I think if you can just keep up what your doing, your service to the community and the Healthcare District can not be questioned. I can assure you that the majority is much appreciative of your efforts. Thanks,


(Well, as we have learned the universe is far more intelligent than the members of the conspiracy league at KVHD, as Measure M, failed. Jamison was not happy and nor was I. But I had warned Pam Ott and the others, that the problem was inside the hospital, the employees were not supporting the bond. Gee, they didn't know what to do or why that might be. And then employees starting talking to me. Oh no. So, what to do?: get together and try to attack these employees. They did and I almost wrote and fought over three articles on these disgruntled employees. They were also paranoid about Kay Knight winning a seat and had me trying to figure out if they were "stacking the board." My god these guys didn't want to lose any power. I was calling anyone who might know Knight. But that's why Brad Armstrong ran again. They could not take the chance of losing quorum. Gee, if they did it could have caused someone to maybe look at the problems in nursing facility. So, Armstrong stayed on and Ott tried to get Dave Freeland, to run with Armstrong to ensure the board would not be without its votes. But friend and former board member, JoAnne Jones, had her husband run too. He and Jamison did a blog together, coming up later. But the said conclusion to the election began a new round of powder being fired. Now it was going to get dirtier.)

----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Jamison
To: Laura Hart
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 8:39 AM
Subject: Re: too early when called

Morning Laura,

Okay, heres your quote.

The appearent loss of Measure "M" will likely have a profound effect on the future of healthcare in the Kern River Valley, however the effects will not be immediately appearent. My personal thoughts this morning are with those who worked so hard on Measure "M".

I especially want to thank the Healthcare District's CEO Pam Ott and the entire Executive team for their effective leadership which allowed Kern Valley Healthcare District to make a truely triumphant financial comback over the last few years.

My heart felt thanks to everyone who understood the importance of the earthquake issue, and my condolences to those who did not know that a skism was far preferable to a train wreck.

Bob Jamison,
Board Secretary

Hi Laura,

Nice talking to you just now. Actually I was feeling in somewhat of a sexual mood, that is until you started talking about Nancy Pelosi. Now all I want to do is up-chuck my dinner. You sure know how get a guy's mind off something more pleasant. Is that an aquired trait, or does it come naturally? Later,


Hi Laura,

Got your message. How about getting another quote to add to your story? I've heard that one or more members of the Foundation were critical of the Knight's behavior during the campaign. Not sure if they were refering to Kay Knight's campaign to get elected to the Board, or the campaign for Measure M, but a quote from the Foundation may be interesting.

It would also be "very interesting" if the Foundation either denyed it, or refused to comment. If the information is true, would that then mean the Foundation is involved with the Knight's in a conspiracy to gain control of the Healthcare District? Remember, the Knight's are both members of the Foundation and have many close friends and supporters in the group.

Another thing you may not be aware of, the Foundation has in the past battled with the Hospital and the Board over what the funds they raise are spent on, and have been very nasty on occation.

I see the possibility for conflicts of interest in a variety of places. But hey, thats just me.

Wow, am I suffering from jet lag. Hear it is 7pm and I can hardly keep my eyes open. This morning I popped awake around 3:30am, and let me tell you, TV truely sucks at 3am. If I ever have to watch another Infomercial, I'm gonna hurle. Hell, I thought most of those people had died a long time ago. Some of them look like they are dead. Just how old is Pat Boone anyway? I recorded him back in 1984, and back then he was just one huge wrinkle.

I got to lay down. Talk to you later.

Hi Laura,

I just returned home from the Medical Quality meeting at the hospital. It's 8:45pm and the hospital is abuzz, wondering what will be in tomorrows newspaper article. A small number of the staff seem to be completely oblivious to what is happening, while others seem to have a sense of an impending blood bath.

This is like waiting to watch Goliath eat David, only to find out that David has a taser gun hidden in his loin cloth. I asked Marsha this afternoon if she wanted to tell me who I should keep an eye on tomorrow, she instead admitted that wearing a flack jacket might be appropriate. I wonder if a Kamono would work? Have a nice evening.


(When my articles did not get in the paper, the tactics changed. Jamison told me to discuss the executive meeting with the Knights on tape and that he could use this to get them sharing private information. The Knights are open and actual "straightforward" people and I went to their camp and interviewed them. Jamison wanted specific information as did Ott and the group. I sent the recording to him and he got real excited. I felt like crap, Judas, and went crying to a person who is the real heart of the valley. She told me to follow my conscience. Well my conscience was consuming me. Something was really wrong.)

(“The sting)
Thanks Laura,

Ive already downloaded the codec for your recorder, and am listening to the first one. Can you tell me when each of these were recorded?


Laura Hart wrote:
There isn't much in this section of the interview, but it is interesting to listen to.

Thanks, I will listen to the other two when I get home after dinner. Have a great weekend.


Laura Hart wrote:
Bob, all three recordings were from the same interview on the same day 11/11/06. Laura
(try not to hold any of this against me as you listen)
----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Jamison
To: Laura Hart
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: final piece

Thanks Laura,

Ive already downloaded the codec for your recorder, and am listening to the first one. Can you tell me when each of these were recorded?

Hi Laura,

A couple inital thoughts, first Bob Knight may try to say that, since Kay had been elected, he chose to share information with her, noting in the recording that he received the info via e-mail from Pam. If its an actual copy of a lease, without indications of being part of an e-mail, then the one who handed it to you, or perhaps both, could have a legal problem.

In the recording I did hear clear indication that Kay has had access to, as well as knowledge of, information not qualifying for public disclosure, prior to the election. She also made it clear, in spite of all the Brown Act discussion, that they have been, and will continue to work as a team.

The comments about Pam & Sharon Brucker calling nurses F-ing bitches, I find very disturbing. Not sure what to make of it, but it deffinately must be looked into. I will let you know what comes of it.

As for what you are most interested in hearing from me about, Well.... As to the issue of your cozying up to them to get information, thats what reporter's do. Anyone who doen't know that shouldn't be talking to the media... ever. Laura, I am concerned that it is very appearent that you are leading Kay in her responce to your questions.

I often hear people talk about how well she answers questions, only problem is, there not always her answers, sometimes they come from her husband, but also sometimes from you. I heard you actually told her what not to say. I know she needs a little help, but the thoughts as well as the words should be hers, not yours.

Perhaps, rather than giving her ideas of what to say, you could give her more time to collect her own thoughts. I know that makes it more difficult for you, especially when your up against a deadline. Just a thought, Okay, I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job.

Thats all I can say so far, but I havn't yet lestened to the last section of the recording. Perhaps I can finish it tomorrow. By the way, if you want a copy of the Sony codec file that allows your computer to play the recordings through Windows Media Player, let me know and I will e-mail you a copy. Goodnight & Happy writing.


(This will take a few posts to reveal, but then we move on to the others involved.
UP NEXT: Job at QAB; Paranoia; the SNF lies; Jamison goes to war with me.)

----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Jamison
To: Laura Hart
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: tape of board meeting...

Hi Laura,

I listened to the portion of the tape, remember it well. Haven't seen kays letter, was it a letter to editor? Cathy Perfect asked me in passing one time if I saw you there? I told her that you must have been, because the quotes in the newspaper story were accurate.

I need to see the letter she wrote in order to tie it together accurately. Parts of the exchange are barely audible, but if you have something I can present in writing, then ask if she would like me to play back a recording of that portion of the board meeting, that may be all that is necessary to bring back her memory. It's always better if she herself admits to altering the facts.

Place your recorder on the table in front of Brad Thursday night. It may not go down easy, but it should be the final death nell for rectal-fit. (this was the derogatory term for Robert Knights retrofit of the hospital which would have brought the seismic up and given the hospital time to get out of from under the tires of Cal Mtg.)

By the way, the tatooed lady, is the first time I honestly completely failed to recognize a vagina. Bet there we're a few orgasm's associated with that tatoo job.

Can't send it, eyes only. Call me.


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