Persistance and Tenacity, requires a new chapter, a new beginning....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

All aboard! The KVHD monthly March meeting preview, let's call it: "we're still here"

A reminder for today, if you happen to have some time this evening to find out what is happening at the Kern Valley Healthcare District, why it's the monthly meeting at 5:30 pm in the hospital cafeteria.

Every month that there is still a meeting means the hospital is still in business, so it's a good thing, the patient is still breathing.

The gossip mills have had a busy week spinning the recent departure or actually ticket still in hand, KVHD, CCO, Cynthia Burciaga, and it's doubtful that we will be allowed an answer that is remotely accurate, but you never know.

Not sure if we will be seeing CEO Tim McGlew as there is a rural health symposium this week he will be attending in Sacramento. Hope to see him soon and find out what he learned from the event dedicated to the issues of rural facilities such as our district.

Bob Jamison, who went missing from small claims court last week where I had hoped we could get some answers from the broadcaster who prefers to hide behind a microphone than to publicly address an issue in the forum it was meant to be used: the board meeting.

I should expect to be able to get good clean answers from people who are "serving" the interests of the community. All of us should.

Sad though that we can't. I haven't been able to get what is needed so that justice can be served, healing can begin. It sure was not an easy goal, and seemed much easier than it has turned out to be.

But what drives me is the example of owning our government. This call for grassroots politics is admirable and has had a desired effect in certain cases, but in others such as what has happened here in the Kern River Valley; complete loss of control and ethical behavior.

In my mind it's now about seeing to what degree, exactly how much time, effort, money, how many people it will take to change these things.

So, it's a March meeting, climb aboard and see the world of local healthcare, tonight at the KVHD hospital in the cafeteria at 5pm.

The public is allowed to speak before the meetings and to ask questions of the material discussed during the meeting. If there are particular issues I suggest that they be addressed at the opening of the meeting.

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