Persistance and Tenacity, requires a new chapter, a new beginning....

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The new pamphlet on Elder Abuse: should be written just for the situation at KVHD

Some may remember the penal code section mentioned on this pamphlet, 368, as it directly pertains to the charges brought against several people at the Kern Valley Healthcare District this year.

This pamphlet designed to define elder abuse and instruct those who may be a witness to it, how they should proceed with reporting it.

But what is missing from this pamphlet is the unlikely, not quite as common, type of elder abuse: the type where it is institutionalized elder abuse.

Meaning that the people in charge of the facility are creating policies and giving direction to staff to do things in direct opposition to what is necessary care.

It was not just a matter of we didn't know what to do, people, caring people, acted in ways that I'm sure they regret. But they were in a toxic environment, where rumors like the one that went around about a patient receiving a forcible injection of psychotropics, was never addressed.

If it was a rumor, and everyone knew about it, what does that say about the situation at the hospital?

Employees were told to do things to cover up the situation, to shred, to hide things, to fill out forms to look like the hospital was staffing properly, to go away if there were problems.

How could this have happened? What could you do to a decent person to get them involved in an administrative plot to cover its own criminal activity?

Threaten them. Threaten them with their licenses, their jobs, their paychecks, their careers. That should take care of it.

Where is the pamphlet for this type of situation

If you work in a nursing center and someone who is your boss or superior tells you to do something you know is illegal: report them.

If you know that a hospital or nursing center is intentionally understaffing to save money: report them

If you hear a rumor about some "bad" incident taking place, investigate and report it.

If you are asked to cover up evidence of elder abuse or abusive policies, don't hesitate: report it.

But we did report it

Yes, they did report things in the skilled nursing facility, both to the board and administration. Problem was that the administration was the problem and its inefficacy to carry out basic duties.

The board heard about the problems in Oct. 2006. They chose to go with the story of the administrator, Pam ott, who labeled these employees who went to the board, "a pack of wolves."

Another employee called DHS; another one the Ombudsman; and finally a letter was slipped under the door of a board member that the employees trusted would be fair.

Where's the pamphlet for this insane scenario?

The second page contains interesting facts regarding the rampant problem with elder abuse and neglect, and mentions that it is now considered a social problem.

(well it certainly is up here in the valley)

Hopefully, this hospital will purge itself of the lingering administrators and board members who allowed these things to happen.

Two employees told me about the shrinking staff and shrinking paychecks.
They both said that the former Director of Nursing, Todd Elkins, fought with former CEO/administrator, Pam Ott, and current CFO, Chet Beedle, over the paycuts and staffing cuts.

He is reported to have quit over this situation.

The pamphlet goes on to describe laws which impact the elderly and the people in charge of their care.

There is physical abuse, abandonment, mental suffering, neglect and fiduciary abuse.

Fiduciary abuse happens when the elder's monies, properties, are used for anything other than elder dependant.

Indications of abuse range from injuries, bruises, welts, bed sores, inadequate or inappropriate drugs, to dehydration.

In 2006, the KVHD hospital was cited by the Center for Medicaid services and Department of Health, for dehydration situations which can be very dangerous, and weight loss issues. Not to mention "physical restraints."

Not enough staff to make sure residents are drinking enough fluids and that their weight is stable.

Loss of dignity, for both the residents, and the people who ran the hospital into this ground.

I'm waiting for the new pamphlet we should create after court this coming November 3 and 4, where Pam Ott, CEO/administrator in charge, Dr. Hoshang Pormir and Gwen Hughes, will be facing at least eight counts of elder abuse charges.


  1. jerry brown cover-up abuse in sf bay hospital

  2. No he coverup abuse in the whole bay area. I know as It reported
