Persistance and Tenacity, requires a new chapter, a new beginning....

Monday, August 8, 2011

The story behind the KVHD blog picture: Board Blanket Bingo

The Brown Act: When caught on the spot, stand and stare...

Kern Valley Healthcare District Board member, and my mentor (explanation later) Robert Jamison, looks a bit piqued as my camera filmed a Brown Act violation that followed a highly contentious meeting last July regarding the hospital's pitiful attempt to have the community pay for the financial maladies ailing the healthcare district with a property tax hike: Measure G.

During this quickly assembled "special meeting" generally unattended by community members and reporters, it was evident the supporters wanted some privacy to put the measure on the election ballot away from the general board meeting where they would push thru a CEO raise and freeze the salaries of employees, while asking the community for it's money.

After this contentious meeting, I walked out without my camera in the confusion. A woman offered to go retrieve it, and when she returned, she said there are four board members in the room together.

I grabbed my camera and went back to the room, and when I opened the door to the board room, I was blocked by the administrative secretary, "Hidey Sage," with a food cart. (And can you believe I wasn't even offered a sandwich?) So, I took a few pix and went around the other door, as others slipped out, and found board members, Bob Jamison, Victoria Alwin, and Bradley Armstrong lagging behind.

As stood right in front of them, Bob Jamison, knew exactly what I had finally caught on film. Oh, there was a witness who spoke of the "sticky three" meetings, or I should say private meetings, prior to board meetings, where Jamison, and his former team, Barbara Casas, Bradley Armstrong, made their own quorum during the power struggle of 2006 and 2007.

This person spoke directly to the investigator from the county, giving details, but as I have reported and we will speak of again shortly, the Kern County Grand Jury has denied ever receiving a complaint from me and other witnesses back in 2007...when the trail was still fresh.

Had the county followed up with more than a recent glance at the hospital which resulted in the same advice: have the community pay your debt just like they did in Tehachapi...our hospitaless, bond indented neighbors...(Great ideas, why didn't anyone think of a bond, property tax increase? Oh, yeah, they did for the last 20 years. Ask anyone in Tehachapi about the taxes they pay...)

Look for the follow up: "Kern Kounty Korruption"

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