Persistance and Tenacity, requires a new chapter, a new beginning....

Sunday, July 11, 2010

No more hilarity, just clarity: July board meeting story held up...

I had intended to put the Kern Valley Healthcare District Board meeting story up as soon as possible as there are many issues to address. Including some interesting quotes from videos.

My original idea for this blog was to insert videos where the written quotes would go that way you could just hear them for yourselves. Then I found out about our high speed internet problem, meaning it's slow speed and a lot of dial up, which cannot really watch videos.

No more hilarity, this bomb is ticking away that could effect everyone in this valley as the hospital is the biggest employer and jobs are slipping away fast, everywhere.

During the hospital auxiliary report at the meeting, (the auxiliary volunteers run a thrift store) the Representative was saying that the coffers are filled with donations more than both thrift stores in the valley can handle.

I made the remark: "that's because people are moving away."

For whatever reason I ended up with a serious flu bug from which I have not yet recovered, so the story is not finished or video edited. Remember we also have a site on Youtube which I will be adding some interesting video to soon. Just go to Youtube and search, "ask Bob Jamison."

But as I have explained, I'm currently working on putting together a timeline of events that have clearly dragged the hospital down to where it sits now: on a precipice.

This is both the hospital and the whole community as the healthcare district is the biggest employer. But for this employer that clearly (I'll say it less dramatically) "mismanaged" the funds, care, and laws, could not forecast rain if it was rolling off the rooftops, to come to this community and ask them for their property taxes, thereby raising prices of goods and services locally, is unabashedly shameful.

With receipts that show that monies were spent to fly a former CEO out of state, pay for his train tickets, plane rides and even lunch, it's hard to even understand why they think this community owes them. (call for copies of any documents and I will be happy to send them to you)

Same with the "big government" too.

It is also clearly lack of foresight and due diligence.

The time line of events and evidence also includes very clear series of patterns which lead to the events such as short staffing and dangerous conditions never completely resolved, hiring unqualified personnel, wasting money on vital equipment such as mammography and cataract surgery equipment never utilized; the list goes on and on.

I want this to be easily understood, as it really isn't easy and that is what has lead to the chronicity of the problems as the complexity acts as a smoke screen.

Don't think I believe any of this is funny, as I can write satire or a straight new story and yes I made mistakes in many ways, but compounding them is not what I chose to do as tough times are setting in. In fact, I heard that even CFO, financial manager of the hospital, now has to pay for his housing, $10 a day or something. Or it may still be free, I could be wrong.

Since I'm focusing on the timeline so people, children...juries can easily understand what has happened here, that is my first priority as the preliminary hearing in the criminal case begins August 20th.

It's a new time, a critical time, and I recognize this, I hope the readers or more so my neighbors and the residents of the Kern River Valley realize what we are up against.

And as soon as I can I'll have your July story...maybe we will see what the local media says first then I'll write compare and use your common sense. I don't have any KVHD advertisements on this blog, but the local newspaper does.

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