Persistance and Tenacity, requires a new chapter, a new beginning....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Part three: Bob Jamison and QAB/sexual harassment too?/court date with the media Feb. 3

The never-ending story:
As if the Kern Valley Healthcare District story with the elder abuse, the bullying of employees and even board members, the use of small town media to cover some bad deeds indeed, I have brought another element to light and that is sexual harassment.
As I've described to you over the course of more than a year of writing this blog, that it would all come down to the fact that I've collected information and evidence, some of which is uncomfortable, yet the truth.
Nobody was comfortable in March of 2007 when I grabbed my bugle and began to play revievelle to a sleepy community unwilling to be awakened by matters such as public safety issues within the publicly run healthcare district, hospital which may have hastened the passing of residents of the nursing center.
At the time I began to bring in evidence and tell the story which continued and still continues to this day, about the mismanagement leading to, at the very least, mistreatment of people and more sickening, the weak, the infirm, the eldery, which we have now established DID occur under our noses, with the help of many, in our community and in our hospital.
The fight in early 2007 was the fact that there was a problem and who and what was causing it, was only in question. Very few would believe this could happen.
Because of certain circumstances and let's say it, priorities, the media in our valley put out confusing messages, one hoping to hold on to it's advertising, afraid to believe it was not as bad as it seemed; the other, willing to completely offer it's media services to a "resigning" CEO, who would be the first administrator out the door as the nursing center was approached being a safety hazard the state would have to close down.
Now, after the Department of Justice came through, a little late, but they at least showed up, which cannot be said for other agencies, such as the Grand Jury, who had early access to evidence which could have been seized in 2007, rather than a year later after the shredder was paid off.
And I don't know what the story is with the Department of Public Health, but several of us had an appointment to peruse public records regarding the hospital nursing center investigation, (the records are most likely in the hands of the state for their "potential" criminal trial) last April 2nd, and then were actually avoided for a full year.

Wow, the government, when they want to get you off their back, (because I'm just a small fly, a gadfly, and they know there is nothing I personally can do, except what I have been doing: telling the truth and following it up with evidence) they just laugh at you and ignore you.
I'm really a nothing in the big scheme of things. But because I don't believe any of us should be walking around thinking we are victims, acting as if we are victims thus ignoring the potential to act and solve problems: I just keep going.
We have reached another level to this now, where I am going to utilize our court system, part of the greater justice system: Small Claims court.
What tools do I have to use? Not many, my friends, but I will use them all until this is settled.
And because I said last year that I believed strongly that both the Kern Valley Sun Newspaper and more overtly, QAB media, owners of four radio channels, and access to the web and at one time, using the affiliate ABC radio news at the end of blogs authored by Bob Jamison, meant to attack maliciously without supportive information.
But even more sinister, has been the use of the station all the way up to the election, when Mr. Jamison, with a straight face, used his radio station to campaign for himself for board of directors at the hospital.
That particular program caused my phone to ring, as Jamison got off some personal attacks against the other candidates. Which I guess, if you don't embarass easily, is legal, but certainly an unwelcome example of small town politics.
I thank God the part of the scenario where the truth was just in our imaginations, there was no crime taking place, we didn't really get emails saying those things, nobody lied, and on and on.
Now it's the aftermath, however, we need to bring ourselves to that understanding so we can begin the clean up.
And I'm afraid what we have now, is more about how it happened, a disagreement between many people about how this poisonous situation took place.
I have put in front of you evidence which I believe supports a true conspiracy of top administrators, board members, the local media, and dare I say it, but an egregious example of the inefficiency of the many government agencies.
Next week the media in small claims court
Subject: sexual harassment

As I have been gathering all my evidence together to bring with me to court next week, and funny enough, the February 3rd board meeting date as well,

I am pleased to have my own opportunity to tell my story and show my evidence, and stand up for what I believe in, even if it is only in the smallest court we have.
Other people are out there punching it out, pointing guns at others, maybe even making threats, enjoying some slanderous or salamanderous moments at the expense of others, but I prefer to use truth and the avenues open to the average person (sans the attorneys) to do my work.
And as I've told everyone who has helped with this fight, this has never been about me, it is about all of us, and some of us like to talk the talk, while others can walk the walk.
So here's another subject that needs to be addressed for every young woman or man who has felt oppressive sexual advances connected to non-sexual situations such as a job.
As I will address in court next Wed. Feb. 3 at 3 pm in the Lake Isabella courthouse, prior to Mr. Jamison becoming overtly sexual in our conversations regarding my request to work with the radio station, as we had already set up situations where I called into the talk show Jamison, things were fine.
However, the more I was interested in the idea of doing a radio show, the more he was interested in meeting me for lunch or rambling on about strange, then eventually sexual things in our conversations.
This is a classical harassment set up, as opposed to just some sexual jokes or remarks.
Each time I had an idea about the show, which is what I was put through creating the show and ideas: it became an invitation or a phone call.
Eventually, I knew that there was no way the situation would work out, as Mr. Jamison wanted more than a side kick for his talk show.
But then there is the issue too that Jamison clouded the airwaves for months regarding the allegations of elder abuse, brown act violations, slander and defamation, conflict of interest, and I guess, I'm throwing it in there, sexual harassment to set off the whole ugly story.
I think after this is over, in Superior court and even small claims court, we will hopefully have learned how to be the example, walk the walk, and not be afraid to say that some is "WRONG" very, very wrong.
The media attacked my name and reputation in a malacious manner, but they also gave the community an example that the media cannot be counted on to take on serious and even grave situations such as what has occurred here in this valley. And nothing has changed in that regard.
The community: They call me about the high school, college community services, the rural health clinic, the water pollution, the racism, need for more classes at the college, the situations with their children...because they know I care and won't look the other way.
I can't get to everything, but I'm here watching...You can count on it.
Jamison E-mail:

From: Bob Jamison >

To: Laura Hart >

Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006

14:51:09 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Laura,

Haven't heard anything else. At this point I do not intend to persue the matter further, as I think I got my point across to the subject agency on air.

As far as what we talked about after the show, I will tell you that like many people in the entertainment industry, I have a vivid imagination. In addition to listening to your words while we were on air, I was also keenly aware of the direction you seemed to want to go, but would not. We both have strong personalities and I can invision any number of situations that could result from two such people doing anything together. The result could be dynamic, exciting... the adjectives are nearly endless. It could also easily spin out of control.

Toward the latter, I must learn to stop imagining what people are waring when I am talking to them via phone from their home. I'm guessing that my vision of you setting in a chair in you pajamas drinking a glass of soy juice was more than likely inaccurate.

That's one of the things I love about radio, there is always enough room left for the imagination. TV, on the other hand, leaves no room for that.

Excuse me, I think I just inhaled my tie. Talk to you later.

1 comment:

  1. jamison you sicko fat @$$ does nada except talk;talk;talk; SHUT UP YOU #$$^&*( or lying @@#$%^^&.i know this fat clown got a few secrets might want to hear. he has a xxxx for xxxxx's. hope he *&^*&%$ his pants but his pants are too &%^%$*$% &(*)for him. :)))) doubbbbbble chin chin.
