Persistance and Tenacity, requires a new chapter, a new beginning....

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

they id it: Caldwell Flores and Winters, work on the GOB

Chet Beedle, during July 28th, "Special KVHD board meeting."

The special board meeting held to make a quick decision before the deadline to file with the Kern County Elections department for a 20 million dollar GOB closes this Friday, Aug. 6, was full of details not made public for the last ten months about the true financial situation at the hospital.

A new finance attorney came aboard, and was referred to as a bankruptcy specialist. She immediately told the board she knew nothing about bankruptcy as she had met with them before the meeting.

Then it was quite clear that she may not been here before and was brought in at the last minute supposedly to answer questions, but she did not have many answers that didn't end with, I haven't seen the contract yet.

The board meeting is tonight Aug. 4th at 5:30 pm in the hospital cafeteria in Mountain Mesa.

1 comment:

  1. you have a video that doesn't play I tried many times I want to hear it what do i do? what does he say. who is that guy and is the one from the phone calls we got last week. where do I make a complaint on those calls? I don't want them to call me again.
    and you have way too mcuh info on this its hard to understand whats the point?
