Persistance and Tenacity, requires a new chapter, a new beginning....

Friday, August 6, 2010

President Obama would be proud: board votes for hastily planned GOB and CEO raise: healthcare reform

Summary of a sad story called the KVHD general board meeting

The Kern Valley Healthcare District board of directors would have been more happy had they had an audience full of people who agreed with them as only four of the five board members showed up, as Secretary of the board, Bradley H. Armstrong was noticably missing from the

Armstrong's long terms on the board lead right back to decision he and the board of the time, the late 1980's, made which allowed this small hospital to be swallowed up in debt.

That's what happened here and has lead to one disaster after another, not including the poor reasoning of the KVHD board of directors, who have spent much money trying to get the community to pay for the sins of their predecessors who unwisely gave up, interestingly enough, 22 million in bonds which is only one reason this hospital hasn't prospered.

Also missing in action was new Cheif of Nursing, Mark Gordon, board counsel, Scott Nave, and Medical Director of the hospital, Dr. Finstad.

With the board resolution to put a 22 million dollar property tax increase on the Kern River Valley residents and businesses, it was obvious the Kern Valley Healthcare Distric Board of Directors were doing everything including accepting a much disputed survey to get the public support for a "bail out."

Hands went up all over the room, but the board, who when asked to have an item pulled from the agenda were unsure and unfriendly about having to do this as their time was of issue. Not being familiar with the laws regarding the board, much ado was made, as something was asked to be pulled off the consent agenda: the minutes from the "Special meeting" where the board tried to get the bond thru last week.

Members of the audience were eager to ask questions, but the chairwoman of the board, Victoria Alwin, made it clear that the board was not going to stay there for two days answering to the community. Many questions and remarks were rushed and dismissed, as audience members were concerned about the survey provided by Caldwell, Winters and Flores.

One audience member explained she recieved calls from the survey, but felt they were all leading questions designed to gain a positive answer.

Another community member said she was called three times in a week. From what I've heard, as I never recieved a call as a registered voter and someone in the phone book, there were various heavy handed methods used and the representative from CFW, had little to say in regard to the complaints.

As Kay Knight asked the audience of they understood what the monies were going for and how the ballot was written, Bob Jamison, the board member who utilized his radio station position to defend the hospital from the elder abuse charges, took it upon himself reading word for word the the three page KVHD resolution for the bond.

He sipped some water and read the resolution fromt the district peppered with the health and safety codes, California constitutional codes, election codes and when asked to explain them, he continued reading.

Afterwards when asked for a full explanation of the document none of the board members could answer. "No," Jamison said defiantly.

Jamison was told to look it up on his computer as he sat in front of the unit, typing in "tweets" or who knows what, but he did not know the document he read and there was no sign other board members wanted to admit to their ignorance regarding their own legal document.

But during the CFW report on the bond numbers, this speaker was protected as questions flew out as to how they could even say that these numbers were closed to correct.

What he did say though was the numbers were amazing for supporting the hospital, some as high as 75%.

In 2006, before our current depression era and with the hospital supposedly under surrender to the state for not being seismically safe, this same company was paid before to do a survey, which showed a much lower percentage of support.

As I was not allowed to ask what the previous years figures were and the script that went along with it, due to the fact the board or at least the chairwoman, wanted to quickly put this on the ballot as they needed to give a raise to the CEO with the specious argument that if we had overspent in the past, then this would be the time to over spend again, but for a worthier cause.

Chuck White, who introduced himself as "Charles" White, had been closely associated with the plans for the last bond in 2006, Measure M. He gave his support to the board without any questions and chided those who disagreed.

White was part of former CEO, and elder abuse charged, Pamela Ott's team to put Measure M on the ballot even with architectural plans which were faulty, and unusable and an amount of money which was not even close to the amount needed for the measure that if it had passed, the hospital would still be coming to the community for this new GOB.

People spoke about the survey, the impact, the ideas of leasing to another company which would cost nothing, but the eager residents were on the losing end of getting their questions answered, as I could not get anything in that didn't have to be fought for.

Murmurs came from the crowd, information about new raises for doctors were noted by one of the audience members. It was not a happy or unified night by any means.

The only ones unified were Victoria Alwin, Dr. Robert Gross and Bob Jamison as Knight questioned but much like the audience recieved answers that were vague and seemingly unwelcomed.

The lawyer on the phone tried to tell Knight who asked that with all the lawsuits could this money be used to pay off these outstanding debts, that some of it could be caught in the hospital's not only financial, but legal problems.

Only a month ago the CFO, Chet Beedle informed us there was a "waiver" on the debt, but his story suddenly changed and since the Special Board meeting on July 28, 2010, the board and adminstrators have begun to beg for money admitting to no contigency plan.

As the board won the fight against the arguments from the audience about using caution and possibly waiting for a special election, the community members became restless.

This was refuted as the hospital didn't want to spend the money it wanted to and was going to go ahead no matter what seemed to be asked. However, last month at the board meeting that very question was answered differently as they were encouraging a "special election" in February or March of next year.

And I'll be you dollars to doughnuts that if they don't get the bond this time, suddenly the special election will reappear.

Then in a heat of rage about something, Alwin, justified giving the CEO a raise, not just a small cost of living beyond his 200K salary, but suggested he deserved another 30,000. Finally, as members of the audience feeling alienated from the process, left the building and had an interesting meeting outside.

Alwin also blamed Chet Beedle who looked sheepish as he had to listen to the grandious amounts of wasted monies to Sycamore Management more than two miliion and then to former, Nursing Home Director, Tracy Brown, who was to be fired when McGlew came aboard as part of his contract, according to Alwin.

More on the issues...will the hospital clarify the ballot:: my guess, unlikely.

No hardship recourse for seniors and disabled, stated axed program last year.

Hospital administration admits to editing minutes to meetings, as that is the only way, insurer, Cal Mtg., has been monitoring the financial stability of the hospital.

(new documents show the bond was discussed and the community kept purposely in the dark about the hospital financial problems.)

Videos, details and the much misunderstood "ballot wording."


  1. A group is forming to oppose the tax measure to fund a bailout of the failed Kern Valley Health Care District. Any of you wishing to participate in an effort to stop the insanity of propping up KVHD with YOUR hard earned tax dollars, please send an Email message to:

    Please include KVHD in the Subject line.

  2. I unfortunately was not at this board meeting - it seems to have been a doozy.
    If Victoria Alwin is not going to 'spend 2 days' answering questions/addressing concerns of the community, the CEO (Tim McGlew) refuses to hold a town hall meeting (he states it would just be a b---- session), and we give more money away (raises for losing money!), then when will our questions be answered? And answered in a manner that is understandable to the community...and I guess the board?!

  3. I was at that meeting. I talked about the leading questions of the survey. I also talked about numbers that didn't add up.
    I have been told I said there was a seventy dollar discrepancy in the cash flow numbers for the January 2009 Finance report. I meant to say seventy THOUSAND dollars. I have since double checked the cash flow statement for June 2010 and found a $74,999 discrepancy. I mean the balance number stated at the end is 74,999 dollars less than the number is actually when you do the math. I am very curious as to the frequency of this 70,000 to 74,999 dollar shortage and who's pocket is it going into.
    At just 70,000 a month, that's 840'000 of our hospitals dollars are being pilfered right under this community's nose.
    When I brought my findings to Heidi, the girl who types up the reports, she said "I just type the numbers I'm given"
    I asked if she ever checked the numbers? She replied "I'm not an accountant" I said "Do you keep a check book?" She said "Yes" So I said "Then your qualified to check the numbers."
    By this time I was yelling and in tears. I felt like she didn't want to know. She relinquished her responsibility. It was like she didn't care. Then she brought out this big fat book and pointed to a 75,000 down on a line and said maybe that's it. Come on!!!! Why was it not included in pay outs?
    All you have to do is take the beginning balance and add it to the total incoming, then subtract the total outgoing and the number that you get should be the new balance. It is accounting 101. However, when you run the numbers given in the cash flow report, the balance you'll get for the numbers in the last fiance report is $74,999 less than what I get on my calculator and when I did it by hand.
    So what about it? Do you give a s#*t?

  4. NO WAY! Sorry my wallet is low guess you got to get your money by yourselves.

  5. my husband and I attended this hospital meeting and we tried to tell the board that we were called on the survey and were not asked the same questions that the man in the suit was telling everyone. We were unhappy our questions were not answered we have concerns. The kern newspaper was erronious and we intend to write to them to complain. We will also send a letter to the better business bureau about these phone calls. now that there is money at stake that we all find out why we have to pay for this emergency center. It is difficult to understand a debt that is mentioned on this website. After discussing the confusing meeting we have decided we want a private hospital not run by the government. So, we are two votes for no on this ballot. I thank Lara for speaking with us outside the meeting we learned more from her than we did from anyone else. We heard things but she was polite and informative and we enjoyed her witty humor.This was an eye opener, but we felt treated as outsiders as we never went to this meeting before, maybe that is why. We hate to see this but we have time to write letters and tell others what happened. Sorry for the length of my letter.

    (Laura Hart here. I want to say don't be concerned with the length of the letters and the only editing is once in a while I have to correct some spelling or disguise some lurid language. I'm sorry that you felt left out, but as I said that night, that has been the whole plan all along: Keep the public blind. Thank you too for pointing out the diligent efforts by the KV Sun to pretend they are something they are not: covering the story only covering For the hospital. Please do complain to the BBB about the survey they spent 15,000 on. If you email me directly I can point out where to take your complaints.)

  6. hey Debbi thats good, way to show the hospital staff that you care by Yelling at the girl who type the report. Maybe you could yell at one of the Pink ladies next time I hope it made you feel better. $#@^ !@%

    (You're probably talking about me as I did raise my voice to Heidi Sage in front of the pink ladies regarding the lack of staff knowing about the Kernville "Bull fire," while 4500 acres were burning. But the Pink Ladies were undisturbed and even had a laugh. Some have even contacted me and I've learned some mighty interesting things, such as having them work in the pharmacy and lift nursing home patients, and basically asked to do things outside their scope of volunteering. In fact I have one complaint on video. Anything else? Laura Hart)

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. (I wanted to share an email I recieved today from someone....I have my suspicions,but it gives you an idea how desperate these people playing politics with your health are who don't want to look like crooks or fools regarding this bond.)
    In the subject line this person wrote: Give it up. (apparently this person doesn't KNOW me)

    Hi Laura still doing your same ol' @#$% I see. You get it that nobody believes you right? Your not that stupid or are you? All the employees at the hospital hate you trying to bankrupt the hospital with your friends the XXXXXXX. Someone told me your moving away I sure hope so. Don't worry about our bond you don't have to pay do you, so why do you care? The whole community believes in the bond, they did a survey and everyone wants it. Now go on down the road and leave us alone. You probably don't have any friends either right- cause nobody wants you here bothering us. Go see daddy! We have our newspaper to read and they print the truth not the &(%%#@^* on your ridiculous blog. Bye bye go now we are waiting.

    (Well, I think this speaks for itself. I just thought you might want to hear a little of the background noise going on. And what is interesting to me is the references to certain personal information.
    And as far as bankruptcy, the hospital and yourself are already morally bankrupt so financial would only be a step behind.
    These are the kind of people who cannot accept responsibility and play games. Guess what? After five years of this, I'm a lot tougher than you might think.
    If you had true critcism, then I might listen, but this, is only for our enjoyment of your misery as I believe I know the author of this finely crafted email.
    I hear you and want you to know "my daddy" told me to finish this up, take them down and get it over with. And he's right, you just reinforced that for me with your letter. Hey thanks.)
