Persistance and Tenacity, requires a new chapter, a new beginning....

Friday, July 3, 2009

QAB Stuck on Stupid: Bob Jamison's subconscious speaks

I know most of us have cast off the musings of Dr. Sigmund Freud, as most of his theories have been disproved and castigated for his misogynistic tendencies. Hysterical women, like me, abounded in the mind of Freud probably irritating the hell out of him.

But KVHD board member Bob Jamison made me wonder if Freud didn't have this man in mind when he talked about unconscious, guilty thoughts which wriggle to the surface and gain expression.

Again, it is Friday morning, two days after I went to the KVHD board meeting in a bad mood, irritated, (like Freud would be with me), and had some heavy things to say to the three who have degraded, mismanaged, and disrespected our public healthcare district, patients and employees.

As I've said Mr. Jamison was a major part of the cover up of the problems within the skilled nursing facility at the hospital. He has yet to take responsibility, be indicted or even at the very least, apologize.

He acts an awful like the government he supposedly opposes. Will he ever realize he is with the government, both the hospital and parks and recreation. If you think either is in bad shape email Mr. Jamison.(somebody voted for him so he is here to serve you.)

I think his conscience is getting to him though, as this morning on the radio show he and his guest spoke of problems getting the government to take responsibility and the guest even talked about how the government officials "lied" to him.

I will just put some quotes out there without any explanation and you tell me if you think his conscience is beginning to speak without his awareness.

"All the people were sitting by and watching them do it."

"So many people go out every four years and punch a button, vote for somebody, they don't know who they're even voting for, then they find this person is off the wall, screwy."

"Disingenuous, it's nicer than calling them liars to their faces."

"It's amazing something can be right in front of your face and you just can't see it."

"It happened right under their noses. We were more than asleep on the job."

Under construction July 1 board meeting with video and pix...

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