Persistance and Tenacity, requires a new chapter, a new beginning....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

GOB's of money in GOB business. I think we will be seeing our friends at Caldwell Flores soon: Special meeting Tuesday 4 pm

I'm so excited to announce that there will be a special meeting of the Kern Valley Healthcare District Board of Directors Tues. March 30, at 4 pm.

The reason I'm so excited about this particular meeting is that they are admitting to having a meeting, that always helps my mood.

Second, they are going to follow up on the secret meeting from earlier in the month where only two board members were allowed. Yes, it was okay to leave the other three out, along with the then CCO, Cynthia Burciaga, who even asked to be part of the meeting but was turned down according to an email I received.

So, I'm glad they are being clandestine because truth is; I don't like the truth around here anymore.

Just because it was like a serial meeting against the "Brown Act" is meaningless, that is done here openly and with no regard for anyone, and nobody really cares or even understands the meaning of following the law.

But having a secret meeting earlier in the month simply tells me and now you, is we are about to have a political split on the board about the general obligation bond. These small plotters are coming out of the closet to tell us all about their meeting, which I'm sure will include how darn legal it was.

I'm sure you are all expecting that I will object to the bond. In fact I won't, that would give it merit as a possibly good idea, which it isn't.

Political split

Oh, what to do? The money just went away, it flew?

Great idea let's make the community pay for the bond and fix the hospital. I think they are going to love the idea, I'll call them and ask them.

In fact, I could help, I have the whole Caldwell Flores kit from 2006, and I'll make the same phone calls, drive people to the polls, make impassioned fictional speeches to get people to agree with me; why I can't wait.

Meetings: Finance commit me, Wed. March 31, 9 am, in your bank account.
Change of schedule for regular board meeting: Tuesday, April 6, at 6 pm. in your wallet.

I'll go to the special meeting with those very special people and see if we have a special plan in mind to suck the money out of the community to pay for something that would have paid for itself had we had any fiscal responsibility or a CFO with a calculator.

The general obligation bond, GOB, is number one on the menu for this special meeting, but then there's a closed session with a lawsuit and personnel issue.

(I'll try to follow up, but if they tell any truth, I'm leaving. I can't handle the truth...)

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