Persistance and Tenacity, requires a new chapter, a new beginning....

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The winners of the Putzlicker's Prize: Kern Valley Sun and Bob Jamison, smooth criminal

KRV wins illustrious journalism prize

They gave a Pulitzer Prize to a small town newspaper for doing it's job following the bad plotters in their rural community. These small time reporters put their heads down and looked for clues uncovering the yarn which garnered them a choice prize.

But here in this valley, the Kern River Valley, surrounding Lake Aintgonnatellya, where the two major news sources, the Kurn Vally Sin Noosepayperview, and the BobJamisonofagun, took to the streets with the incorrect stories ignoring their neighbors need for correct information, or at least something decent to read on the potty in the morning, wins my prize: the Putzlicker Prize.

When there's someone in need of extra money, and a cover up of bad news: Call the Sin or Jamisonofagun, and your troubles will go away.

Boot licking is typical in a country town like this, and I think it should be noted, that taking money for advertisements while looking the other way, is not, I say, is not "horse theivin'." It's a worthy trade passed on down through the corporations.

I say congratulations to the winners of this prestigious award and to the writers and most especially the editors and publishers who ensure a respectable days work to be unrespectable.

First Prize:KV Sin
Winner gits his horse's ass wiped

Second Prize: BobJamisonofagun
Winner gits to visit the hard of hearing, they like him best

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